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Maybe, i saw a guy do it and it worked out great, it probable wont but use a file your willing to risk if it doesn't work.

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Q: Does the Pokemon void glitch mess up your game?
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Is there a TM of dark void in any Pokemon game?

Dark void is a legendary Pokémon exclusive move. So no. Other Pokémon CAN have it if you cheat code a Pokémon from scratch.

How do you activate the surf glitch in diamond and pearl?

the surf glitch had been modified by the makers, but in the Japanese versions ONLY can you activate it. enter the first elite 4's room. turn around, then use surf from the Pokemon menu. beware- attempting to save in the void can cause your file to be corrupt or you may be permanently stuck.

Where do you find dark void in Pokemon diamond?

Hey! only Darkrai can use it!

How do you do the tweak glitch in Pokemon Diamond?

You can do it by going to Jublife City and going to the northern area of it.If you fail,your game may need to be restarted,so just in case,save before you attempt and have a Pokemon that knows fly. Here's how to start,go to the top of Jublife City and go down using your bike in the fastest gear and just fidget with the left,right and down buttons;example:left,right,down,down,left,right,right,but fast. If successful,you should be able to see a black inter-void and go in.You can get the following Pokemon by tweaking:Shaymin,Darkrai,Cresselia,Giratina,and Arceus. P.s.if your game freezes,turn your game off and restart. P.s.s.if you get stuck in endless darkness,fly to any city.

What are some Pokemon diamond secrets?

there is a glitch u can use to get darkrai or shaymin go to jubilife city and go to the very top of the city and go right to the trainer tips sign board on the D-PAD hold down and when your just about to hit the lampost turn left and go crazy in that area and go left to see if the glitch works and if it does a black or white void or you will able to walk through walls and i dont know how do the rest go on youtube

Related questions

Whenever you do the void glitch in Pokemon diamond the screen is cut off at the bottom. how do i fix that?

get out of the void if you can't get out you will have to start a new game.

Is there a TM of dark void in any Pokemon game?

Dark void is a legendary Pokémon exclusive move. So no. Other Pokémon CAN have it if you cheat code a Pokémon from scratch.

How do you get shaymin in diamond without cheating?

By mystery gift(oaks letter) or (ar)-action replay. but if you dont have both of that go to youtube and watch in how to open the void glitch. NOtE: void glitch can corrupt your data but i successfully caught shaymin when you performed your void glitch well (for more information just go to youtube and search)

Is an Action Replay legal?

Yes, Mainly because they use codes that cause the game to glitch or have an error, such as cheating for a complete Pokedex is simply making the game glitch, and giving you a full pokedex, and if saved, the glitch lasts forever and it stays with a complete pokedex. Most games have a program that if targeted by a true code, rather than an "Error" code to shake violently causing a crash. Codebreaker is considered both illegal and legal because they truly "Hack" and "Glitch" depending on the code. Hope this helped!

How do you activate the surf glitch in diamond and pearl?

the surf glitch had been modified by the makers, but in the Japanese versions ONLY can you activate it. enter the first elite 4's room. turn around, then use surf from the Pokemon menu. beware- attempting to save in the void can cause your file to be corrupt or you may be permanently stuck.

What is the story of missingno?

well, heres how it goes. one day gamefreak created a game called Pokemon. they created all the Pokemon from bulbisour all the way down to zekrom. but they slipped up and jacked up the hexadominal code identifier. resulting in a glitch world, full of glitch Pokemon,u will fid a whole bunch of currupted hybrid of Pokemon. a missingno is a hybrid of some sort of Pokemon. if u go inside a bulding on any Pokemon game u see black void beyond the walls of the building.that's the world of glitch. in Pokemon d/p/pl/h/s/ u wont find a missingo u will mostly find a (shiny invisible bulbisour) or( -----). it is called a shiny invisible bulbisour because when u battle it its body shines like a shiny and its cry sounds like a glitchy bulbisour cry. and it is shaped like a 3 long rectangles. it is always a boy and it is always level 0 when u encounter it. if u attack it it will say "but there was no target" and the battle will end. if u catch it (wich it is kind of impossible without a master ball because its catch rate is 3 percent) if its pokedex data is shown the game will freeze. some species of glitch Pokemon's pokedex data is visible. some species of Pokemon that's pokedex data that are visible are: missingno,.4,3trainerpoke,and are well known 'm the cousin of missingno. glitch poke also have evolve forms and they somtimes look like varients of a missingno can somtimes look like a kabutops skeliton but its main form is a glitchy L. i hope this satisfys your wonderings. oh and ya i do study glitch Pokemon.

Does dark void effect Cresselia?

Yes, Dark Void would effect Cresselia. Dark Void would fail if it misses, the opposing Pokemon has the Insomnia ability, or if the opposing Pokemon is already asleep.

What Pokemon can learn dark void?


Where is the void in jubilife city for Pokemon platinuim?

In the same place as Pokemon Diamond/Pearl

What eles can you do after you beat elite four in Pokemon platinum?

- Battle over Wi-Fi, with friends, or solo at the Battle Park - Compete in Contests - Try to get every Pokemon - Catch Azelf, Mesprit, Uxie, Cresselia, Heatran, Giratina, Darkrai, Shaymin, Manaphy, etc. - Migrate Pokemon at Pal Park - Collect every kind of Berry - Dig up treasure Underground - Rebattle Trainers with the Vs. Seeker - Hunt for Shinies - Train up all your Pokemon - Explore the Void using the tweaking glitch Or, y'know, just start a new game.

When does Darkrai learn the move Dark Void in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Darkrai learns the move Dark Void at lvl 66. Dark Void puts Pokemon to sleep. It's a very powerful move!! Gotta Catch em' ALL!!

What Pokemon learn the move dark void?

Just Darkrai.