Dark void is a legendary Pokémon exclusive move. So no. Other Pokémon CAN have it if you cheat code a Pokémon from scratch.
a specs sweep darkrai holding a dread plate with dark void,dream eater,nasty plot, and dark pulse.
Hypnosis, Yawn, Dark Void, Sing, Spore, Sleep Powder, Lovely Kiss, Grasswhistle, and metronome
The move Dark Void puts its opponents to sleep however in a double battle it'll put both of its opponents to sleep.
Darkrai learns the move Dark Void at lvl 66. Dark Void puts Pokemon to sleep. It's a very powerful move!! Gotta Catch em' ALL!!
I know of 2: Darkrai learns dark void at lv. 100 and arceus learns judgment at lv. 100
Yes, Dark Void would effect Cresselia. Dark Void would fail if it misses, the opposing Pokemon has the Insomnia ability, or if the opposing Pokemon is already asleep.
In the same place as Pokemon Diamond/Pearl
Just Darkrai.
a move that makes a Pokemon go to sleep. I think.Only darkria can learn it.At level 66
dark void of course
No, Dusknoir unfortunately cannot learn Dark void.That's because Dusknoir isn't a dark type pokemon...it's ghost. Sorry, but it can't learn Dark Void.
get out of the void if you can't get out you will have to start a new game.
Dark void is a legendary Pokémon exclusive move. So no. Other Pokémon CAN have it if you cheat code a Pokémon from scratch.
There are many different dark Pokemon in Diamond. To find a complete list of them you can go here: http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/dark.shtml It lists all of the dark Pokemon from all of the games.