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No, the ps3 does not have memory card slots.

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Q: Does the PS3 have memory card slots for ps1 and 2?
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How do you transfer PS1 data to the PS3?

yes, but only if you had a ps1 memory card.

Does a 60gb PS3 have a memory card slot for ps2?

You create a memory card in your harddrive for PS1 or PS2 games

How do you save a ps1 game onto a ps3?

You have to create a memory card in the harddrive

Do you need a ps1 memory card to play smackdown 2?

im not sure what smackdown 2 is but i know you need a ps1 memory card to play ps1 games on a ps2 and on a ps3 you dont need anything because it will just save on the hard drive

Where can one purchase a PS1 memory card?

You can purchase a PS1 memory card online from retailers such as Amazon. You can also get a PS1 memory card online from websites such as eBay and Craigslist.

Will a ps1 memory card fit in a ps2 system?

yes you can save both types ps1 and ps2 but you cant save ps3 gamesmade by joe mamma jk......

Can you save ps1 games to a ps2 memory card?

No, but if you have one you can plug a PS1 memory card into a PS2 and save it on that

How do you copy PS1 and PS2 game data from original PS1 and PS2 memory cards to a PS3?

create a file in the ps3 harddrive

Will a ps2 recognize a PS1 memory card?

I do believe that a PlayStation 2 will recognize a PlayStation 1 memory card. I use a ps1 memory card in my ps2 might it might vary from the different memory card brands.

How do you make a PS3 internal memory card while playing a PS1 game I don't want to lose my progress?

Go to XMB main menu: game,memory card utility.then press create

Where to buy PS1 memory card?

Both Sony and OEM PS1 memory cards are available from Amazon

Can a ps2 memory card go into a ps1?
