No. The only slots are: 1 ds game slot 1 sd card slot Hope that helps
Well, I have that game, too. And I play mine on my DSi. And I have that game for my psp. I personally think that its better to play it on the DSi. Or, DS if you don't have a DSi. Witch ever you have is fine.:)
Yes, as long as the Pokemon game is a DS Pokemon game. Since the DSi does not have slot 2, it cannot play GBA Pokemon games Therefore the DSi can play: - Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum - Pokemon Black, Black 2, White, and White 2
Yes. A DS Lite is the same as the DS, but smaller; A DSi is the same thing as a DS Lite but with a few added features. All DS games are compatible with all the kinds of DS, except ones that need the GBA slot (aka Slot-2): * Original DS expansion paks work in the DS and DS Lite * DS Lite paks only work in the DS Lite (won't fit in original ds, too short) * DSi won't support any Slot-2 expansion paks.
I have a DS and it takes obout 2-3 hours. I also have a DSi and it takes 2-4 hours.
Yes, the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi can link together to play Pokemon. Keep in mind that games such as Pokemon Diamond and HeartGold cannot link with Pokemon Black (2) and White (2) for battling and trading.
The DSi is an enhanced DS, and all 'DS games' will run on it - in fact there are no such thing as 'DSi games' apart from any DSi shop ones, or the possible exception of a game that uses the DSi's cameras. However since the DSi does not have a slot-2, it means Guitar Hero can't be played on it, as that has a necessary add-on that requires the DS slot-2.
A Nintendo ds and ds lite have a ds game slot and a gamepak slot(gameboy advanced games). A dsi has a ds game slot, 2 cameras(one on inside one on outside) and a SD card slot.
It is compatible with all DS games apart from any that require Slot 2, which the DSi and the XL do not have. (There is no such thing as a DSi XL specific game.)
Not really, the DSi will be worth more, unless the DSi is in bad condition, and the DS Lite is new. The DSi would have to be refurbished or very used and the DS Lite would have to be new. The game would also have to be a newer game, which would make up the price difference. Now, a DS Lite and 2 new games would match a used and or new DSi.
There is no such thing as 'DSi XL' games. The closest would be DSiWare, and 'Monster Hunter' which requires a camera. Otherwise, a DS game is a DS game and will work on any model of the DS, DSi and the 3DS too, assuming it doesn't need slot-2.
Yes and No; The 3D DS or 3DS does have Cameras like the DSi but instead of two it has three 2 in front and one inside. Unlike the DSi adnd Dsixl it can play movies in 3D. Wondering if your old Ds and Dsi game will be played in 3D? Don't worry your Ds Game wil still be viewed in 3D.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days is the ONLY kigdom hearts ds or dsi game
just go on ds download play and press multiplayer on the game
( you have to be looking at the ds in front of you) you have to put the game backwards(you looking at the back of the game) then insert it. then turn the game on and your game will appear on the bottom top. p.s. it will show your name's game
The DSi does not have a Slot-2 like the previous DS and DS lite models, and therefore cannot play GBA games.
Well, I have that game, too. And I play mine on my DSi. And I have that game for my psp. I personally think that its better to play it on the DSi. Or, DS if you don't have a DSi. Witch ever you have is fine.:)
With only a few exceptions, every DS game is compatible with every other DS model, except 3DS games can only be played on a 3DS. The DSi is no different from the regular model except it has no GBA slot-2, meaning any DS game that needs it (Guitar Hero) cannot be played on it.