

Best Answer

Nope, the only revive the legendary opposite the one you're supposed to catch.

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Q: Does team plasma create a pokemon?
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How do you get though team plasma in valley windworks in Pokemon platum?

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Who is the king of team plasma in Pokemon Black and White?

The King of Team Plasma is N

What is the secret team in Pokemon Black and White?

The enemy team in this game is Team Plasma! Unlake others, Team Plasma doesn't want to steal Pokemon and become strong, they want to steal and free the Pokemon of others!

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There's a Team Plasma member in the Pokemon Center at the League to teleport you to the castle.

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Ok first of all Team Plasma isn't in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. Second of all what idiot told you Team Plasma is in Pokemon Diamond?

Where is team plasma in castelia city?

In the building across from the pokemon gym

Does Pokemon plasma work with Pokemon revolutions?

No they don't they're job is to steal pokemon and try to concur to world. I don't think they can be found in pokemon revolutions thats a tournament game i got one its also diamond pearl type. Team plasma appeared in unova so that makes team plasma not work with pokemon revolutions video game.

How do you get the liberty pass on Pokemon White?

You have to get the liberty pass from a pokemon event to get victini and stop team plasma.

Where to catch gensect Pokemon?

somewhere around the poke lab of team plasma

Where is the dragon skull in Pokemon White?

You get it after you defeat Team Plasma in Pinwheel Forest.

How do you battle previous bad bosses on pokemon black?

Well, there are team plasma. That is all I know. I have Pokemon white

What do you have to do to fight clay in pokemon white version?

defeat team plasma at twist mountain