No. Stardust Dragon's effect only negates and destroys a card which effect DESTROYS a card on the field, however Caius the Shadow Monarch REMOVES FROM PLAY a card on the field.
no it does not because stardust only stops effects that "destroy" a card(s) "remove" is different and therefore stardust cannot negate the effect Also you can get a card called divine wrath in a pack and negate it. - [Kaizoku] -Stardust Dragon/Assault mode can, Stardust Dragon can only negate destruction.
Copycat has an effect that Triggers when it is summoned. Stardust Dragon Assault Mode can chain to this trigger to negate it, and destroy Copycat.
No, Stardust Dragon's negation effect is a spell speed 2 quick effect, which cannot be chained to a spell speed 3 card such as Solemn Judgment.
Monster Quick Effects that can negate things are ruled that they can be activated in the Damage Step. That includes Gladiator Beast Heraklinos, Horus the Black Flame Dragon Lv8, Light and Darkness Dragon, Stardust Dragon, and Stardust Dragon Assault Mode.That means any appropriate ones from the above are able to negate Honest.
Sometimes it can, sometimes it can't. Stardust Dragon says;"You can Tribute this card to negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect that destroys a card(s) on the field, and destroy that card."Tytannial says;"You can Tribute 1 face-up Plant-Type monster you control to negate the activation of a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster's effect that targets a card(s) on the field and destroy it."Stardust Dragon can only negate effects that will destroy a card on the field - and while Tytannial can certainly negate and destroy cards like that, her effect can be used against cards that are not on the field too. She only cares about the location of the target, not the location of the effect.So, a few examples.Player A uses Snipe Hunter, picking a target. Because it is a targetted effect, Tytannial can chain to this with her negation effect. Because her effect will be destroying a card on the field, Stardust Dragon can use its negation effect against her.Player A uses Exiled Force, picking a target. Because it is a targetted effect, Tytannial can chain to this with her negation effect. However, since Exiled Force goes to the graveyard as a cost, Tytannial will not be destroying a monster on the field. Stardust Dragon is unable to chain with its negation effect.
Stardust Dragon has a triggered effect that special summons it from the graveyard on the turn that it negated an opponent's effect. Forbidden Graveyard will negate this trigger, Stardust Dragon will not be summoned.
Yes. Gandora's Ignition Effect is a destruction effect, so you can chain Stardust Dragon to it, to negate and destroy it.
Yes it can. Sangan is a triggered effect, Stardust Dragon Assault Mode can chain to and negate it.
Because Dark End Dragon does not 'destroy' anything, Stardust Dragon is unable to negate it.
no it does not because stardust only stops effects that "destroy" a card(s) "remove" is different and therefore stardust cannot negate the effect Also you can get a card called divine wrath in a pack and negate it. - [Kaizoku] -Stardust Dragon/Assault mode can, Stardust Dragon can only negate destruction.
Yes. Most negation effects like Light and Darkness Dragon, and Stardust Dragon, can be used in the Damage Step, which is where Newdoria triggers. Stardust Dragon can indeed be used against Newdoria's activation.
Yes, if a card effect activating from the Graveyard will destroy a monster, Spell, or Trap card "Stardust Dragon" can be activated to negate the effect. Even though "Stardust Dragon" states that it destroys and negates cards, it can still negate an effect resolving in the Graveyard; the card in the Graveyard simply will not/ cannot be destroyed.
As a matter of fact, yes. The end of Anubis does negate Stardust Dragon's effect as long as he is on the field. Since Stardust Dragon's effect activates in the graveyard, and The End of Anubis' effect states "Monster cards that designate a card(s) in the graveyard or activate in the graveyard are negated."
Copycat has an effect that Triggers when it is summoned. Stardust Dragon Assault Mode can chain to this trigger to negate it, and destroy Copycat.
Yes it can if you don't activate Stardust Dragon's effect. But you can choose to activate his effect to Tribute Stardust Dragon to destroy and negate EHAZs' effect.
Stardust Dragon tributes itself as a cost for its own effect. So if Evolzar Dolkka chains its negation effect to this, Stardust Dragon can't do anything. Not only is it not there on the field for it to be tributed again, but Evolzar Dolkka isn't destroying a card on the field. The end result will be - Dolkka's effect will resolve, negating Stardust Dragon's negation effect. Since it's already in the graveyard, Stardust Dragon won't count as being destroyed, but that doesn't affect anything. The effect Stardust Dragon chained to will resolve as normal. Because Stardust Dragon's effect was negated, it will not resummon itself.
No, Stardust Dragon's negation effect is a spell speed 2 quick effect, which cannot be chained to a spell speed 3 card such as Solemn Judgment.