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Oh, dude, Sonic totally has parents! I mean, he didn't just pop out of a golden ring, right? Sonic's parents are a blue hedgehog and a pink hedgehog who met at a chili dog stand. Like, they're probably chilling in a hedgehog retirement home now, reminiscing about the good old days of loop-de-loops and collecting rings.

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βˆ™ 3w ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

In the Archie comic universe, his parents are Jules and Bernadette Hedgehog. Note that this is a separate universe from any of the games or TV shows, and Sonic's parents were never mentioned in any other media.

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Who are the parents of Sonic the Hedgehog?

In the games' continuity Sonic has no known parents. However in the American comics created by Archie Jules and Bernie Hedgehog are Sonic's parents.

Does Sonic the Hedgehog have parents?

Jules (dad) and Bernie (mom) Hedgehog are Sonic's parents.

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Shadow has no parents as he is an artificial lifeform. Sonic's parents are unheard of in the games and they are robotized in SatAM, Sonic Underground and Archie. And Silver mentions his parents in Sonic '06 ("This world was devastated before I was born")

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I have no idea. My guess is that Sonic's parents got killed by Dr.Eggman.

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No, Dr.Eggman created Shadow the Hedgehog. Sonic had real parents.

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Nothing about Silver's parents have been revealed, but as Silver comes from approximately 200 years into the future, Sonic and Amy are definitely not his parents, but he may be a descendant.

Who are sonic the hedgehogs parents?

Jules and Bernie Hedgehog are Sonic's parents.

Who are sonic's parents?

Jules and Bernadette Hedgehog were absent early on in Sonic's life due to being robotized by Dr. Robotnik. They have since reunited with Sonic and try to both be good parents to him.

How can you hack super sonic in sonic heroes?

You'll need a Mod no dont hack or your parents will have to go to jail

When does sonic ever find his parents?

SEGA Indicates,the Reason Sonic The Hedgehog was created was to run fast and break sound barriers,not find his parents he`s kinda 18 now

Are sonic's parents dead or alive?

In Sonic Underground, Sonic's mom is Queen Aleena. She had Triplets. He has A brother Named Manic, and a sister named Sania. The Father is unknown.

Does sonic or shadow have parents?

Yes they do, but Sega never exactly says openly...However if you ask Sega clearly they say Shadows parents named Blade and Claire had died when he was a baby. And Sonic does have parents that have been seen in sonic underground. HIS mom is bandette and his dad is Jule. If you want to see sonics mom on you type in tribut to sonics mom and click the pic of his mom hugging sonic. :)