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No, I don't think so, but if you talk to the other able sister everyday you will slowly be able to have conversations with her.

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Q: Does sable tell you about the other able sister on animal crossing?
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What are the names of antelopes beginning with S?

Sable antelope and springbok are antelope species in Africa.

Colours that begin with the letter s?

* silver * salmon * sea green * sage green * slate blue * scarlet * sepia (a shade of brown) * sable * sunflower yellowsky blue * steel gray / blue

How do you unlock silver sable in spider-man friend or foe?

it's not in all of the games. it's only on xbox and WII ( i think ) it is not found on playstation 2 because i finished the whole game on playstation 2 and unlocked everthing and she wasn't in the game

Fill in the letters to this word a?

5 letter words with A as the second letter: * balmy * camel * cadet * cable * caper * daisy * easel * fable * false * gamer * gamut * gaged * habit * karma * laser * labor * maybe * nasty * nasal * party * paced * raise * sable * tasty * table * waste

What is a five letter animal with 2 vowels?

* Addax * Adder * Aphid * Bears * Boars * Bongo * Booby * Burro * Camel * Civet * Cobra * Comet * Coney * Coots * Coral * Coypu * Crane * Degus * Dingo * Doves * Drake * Egret * Eland * Fluke * Foals * Fugus * Gaurs * Gecko * Goats * Hakes * Hares * Heron * Hippo * Hokis * Horse * Hound * Hyena * Junco * Kites * Kiwis * Kudus * Leech * Lemur * Liger * Lions * Llama * Lobos * Loons * Loris * Macaw * Manta * Maras (mammal) * Mares * Mites * Moles * Moray * Mules * Nandu * Nenes * Nyala * Orcas * Otter * Panda * Pikas * Pikes * Pipit * Pumas * Quoll * Racer (snake) * Rails (game bird) * Raven * Rheas * Rhino * Roach * Robin * Rooks * Sable (weasel) * Scaup (a diving duck) * Seals * Sheep * Skuas (seabird) * Snail * Snake * Snipe (wading bird) * Soras (swamp bird) * Squab (young bird) * Squid * Steed * Steer (male ox) * Stoat (weasel) * Takin (a mountain animal from Asia) * Tapir (a hoofed animal) * Tayra (a weasel) * Tegus (South American lizard) * Tiger * Titis (South American monkey) * Toads * Topis (antelope with curved horns) * Trout * Tunas * Veery (North American songbird) * Viper * Vixen (a female fox) * Voles (small rodent) * Whale * Yapok (American opossum) * Yetis (a mysterious Himalayan animal) * Zebus (Asian ox) * Zeren (Mongolian gazelle)

Related questions

What are all the shirts in animal crossing wildworld?

in the shop, mable and sable

Who is turban on animal crossing?

Turban is not a animal maybe your thinking of the hat you can get at Sable's store. -julie

Is there a Pikmin design in Animal Crossing?

No, there isn't, but you can make a design for one if you wish. In Animal Crossing: City Folk for Wii, you can buy Pikmin headgear at Sable and Able's.

How do you get a cucumber pack on Animal Crossing City Folk?

You buy it from Sable and Ables shop (the clothing store)

How do you get Sable in Animal Crossing DS to talk to you fast?

You keep talking to Sable once a day. Soon she'll become friends with you and tell stories about her life story.

Where can you get a tiara in Animal Crossing Wild World?

You can get it in Mable and Sable's shop in other words the place where you can buy clothes but the cost is 1 million bells. I tried to get it but its pretty hard!

Does Sable die at the end of ACWW?

No!!! No one dies!! That would eb an unhappy ending to the entire animal crossing. If you know the answer any other ACWW questions, fell free to answer even if your not a member.

When will Sable and Mable put the royal crown out to buy for Animal Crossing Wild World?

The royal crown will come out at a random time, just like any other shirt or accessory. There is no specific date or time that the royal crown will appear.

Can you get costums in Animal Crossing wild world?

If by costumes, you mean outfits then of course! You can get them at Sable and Mable's for roughly around 350 bells. Otherwise for example a burglars outfit you can buy the mask and then bu a black and white stripy top. With animal crossing , it's all about combining and being creative! ;)

What is the name of the hedgehog that works is gracie grace animal crossing city folk?

The hedgedog is just a person shopping there.Ok but this day i saw who your thinking.You know the hedgedog.HAHAwell im just a friendly person!!!! Her name is Labelle. I think she might be related to Mable and Sable the tailors ................................................ If you go and look at the picture in the Able sister's store by the sewing machine you will see it includes three Hedgehogs indeed she is a sister... she went back to her roots onces and sad to me ' Yaw all' what her sister say chat to her and you'll see. Chat to Sable to and one day she will tell you.

What sort of animal is the sable and the fisher?

== ==

Why is sable and mabel upset on animal crossing DS?

Well if you talk to the hedgehog behind the sewing machine everyday for a while she will start to tell you about her work and life and her past and i dont know if this is true but i think its something to do with Tom Nook and what happened with him in the past about some shop.Also she is upset about her mum.Her and her sister often have conversations about there mother.