yes it evolves at level 25 then you must trade it to evolve it to its last evolution
Roggenrola evolves into Boldore at level 25. You can evolve Boldore into Gigalith by trading it.
Roggenrola evolves into a Gigalith with it is traded.
you can't, you need to evolve roggenrola into boldore then trade it
Roggenrola evolves starting at level 25 into Boldore. If you trade a Boldore, it will evolve into Gigalith. Other facts about Roggenrola: It is #524 in the National Pokedex, and was introduced in the Generation V games (Black and White). It is a pure rock type, weak to Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, and Grass moves, and resistant to Normal, Flying, Poison, and Fire moves.
Roggenrola evolves at level 25 to boldore. Boldore evolves into Gigalith when you trade himh.
Roggenrola evolves into Boldore at level 25. You can evolve Boldore into Gigalith by trading it.
roggenrola evolves at level 25
Roggenrola evolves at level 25 then you have to trade Boldore to get Gigalith. hope this helps!
Roggenrola evolves into a Gigalith with it is traded.
Roggenrola Evolves at level 25 into boldore and you must then trade it for it to Evolve from Boldore into Gigalith
I have a great level 24 roggenrola. I've seen a level 25 Boldore in Chargestone Cave so probably level 25. Some Pokemon are what I call "late evolvers." They are Pokemon that evolve late. I hop my Roggenrola isn't a "late evolver." Same with yours. How do I know you have a Roggenrola? Well, if you didn't have one, what's the point of this whole question!?!
you can't, you need to evolve roggenrola into boldore then trade it
Roggenrola evolves starting at level 25 into Boldore. If you trade a Boldore, it will evolve into Gigalith. Other facts about Roggenrola: It is #524 in the National Pokedex, and was introduced in the Generation V games (Black and White). It is a pure rock type, weak to Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, and Grass moves, and resistant to Normal, Flying, Poison, and Fire moves.
get a boldore which can be caght wild or evolved from roggenrola trade it and it will evolve
Roggenrola evolves at level 25 to boldore. Boldore evolves into Gigalith when you trade himh.
Roggenrola evolves at level 25 into Boldore on Pokemon Black.
Have you checked to see if it is holding an Everstone?