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because of the fast paced games that takes acquisition skills to do good in them.

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Q: Does playing video games improve your reflexes?
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Do video games improve any of your skills and abilities?

It is said that Video games improve someones reflexes.

When children used video games more times which part of the brain not responding?

Actually, Video games improve your mind, all 4 parts of the brain are getting "exercise" while playing video games. But still playing too long on video games is bad for your health,(but you will have cat like reflexes :)!)

What is the effect of people playing video games do they improve in hand reflexes?

No, because instead of increasing true coordination, they create what is commonly called 'muscle memory', which enables the body to quickly react to a familiar scenario.

Do playing video games improve hand eye coordnation?

no not at all

Is the old wives tale about playing call of duty for 6 hours straight makes your reflexes better true?

Unlikely. It is true that doing anything that involves reflexes will improve them, it takes well beyond 6 hours. Furthermore there are very little muscle reflexes involved in video games. So even playing them for as long as would be required to have any noticable improvement would be more than impractical.

Why is playing a video game benefiicial?

Playing a video game can be beneficial - depending on the game you are playing! Action games such as Super Mario Bros or Call of Duty can improve your motor skills and reflexes, for example. As another example, puzzle games such as Angry Birds and Tetris can improve the player's critical thinking skills. Also, motion-controlled games such as Wii Sports and Wii Fit may improve the physical health of the players. In addition, video games are now being used for therapeutic purposes. For example, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that "video games increased patients' interest in physical therapy", and researchers from the University of Utah find that video games "may enhance patients' resilience toward various chronic disorders".

What are role-playing video games?

Role playing video games are where you take on the role of a certain character in the game and you are usually trying to improve their skills and make certain achievments. Role playing video games are where you take on the role of a certain character in the game and you are usually trying to improve their skills and make certain achievments.

Which is the best rebuttal to the following counterclaim Playing video games can be beneficial to youth because it enhances their hand and eye coordination sharpens their reflexes and keeps them out o?

Playing video games can be harmful because it deprives kids of healthful exercise they would normally get by playing outdoors.

What supplement is good to develop high reflexes?

Video games.

What are Role playing games?

Role playing Video Games are where you take on the role of a certain character in the game and you are usually trying to improve their skills and make certain achievments. Role playing video games are where you take on the role of a certain character in the game and you are usually trying to improve their skills and make certain achievments.

Can video game be educational?

Yes video games can be very educational. People see it as a horrible addiction that you cant get rid of. That is not true at all, video games improve handicornaiton, fast reflexes, better knowledge, and can improve your mathematical skills hugely.Reasontly in the news scientist stated that the mind of a gamer can set him mind to anything and acpolishes.

Does video game affect your vision?

yes, and your brain cells, but your reflexes improve depending on the game