No not yet but who No's they might bring out an evolution in one of the future games...
I sorry but minum and plusle dont evovle. :(
Minun is a single-evolutionary form and so does not evolve.The contrast Pokemon Plusle is also single-evolutionary that has moves and abilities that compliment that of Minun's.
It dependes witch one is female. if the Plusle is female, you will get Plusle, and if Minum is female, you will get Minum.
It depends. I suggest you have a Plusle in your party too.
Sun Stone -use on Sunkern to evolve into Sunflora and on Gloom to evolve into BellossomMoon Stone-use on Nidorina to evolve into Nidoqueen, Nidorino to evolve into Nidoking, Jigglypuff to evolve into Wigglytuff, Clefairy to evolve into Clefable or Skitty to evolve into DelcattyFire Stone-use on Eevee to evolve into Flareon, Growlithe to evolve into Arcanine or Vulpix to evolve into NinetalesThunderstone-use on Pikachu to evolve into Raichu or Eevee to evolve into JolteonWater Stone-use on Eevee to evolve into Vaporeon, Staryu to evolve into Starmie, Shellder to evolve into Cloyster or Lombre to evolve into LudicoloLeaf Stone-use on Gloom to evolve into Vileplume, Exeggcute to evolve into Exeggcutor or Nuzleaf to evolve into ShiftryShiny Stone-use on Togetic to evolve into Togekiss or Roselia to evolve into RoseradeDusk Stone-use on Misdreavus to evolve into Mismagius or Murkrow to evolve into HonchkrowDawn Stone-use on a Female Snorunt to evolve into Froslass or a male Kirlia to evolve into a GalladeOval Stone-Happiny has to hold during the day to evolve into Chansey
it doesnt evolve
Minun does not evolve!
pulse does not evolve on any game and it does not evolve into anything. minum is pulse twin brother
I sorry but minum and plusle dont evovle. :(
A minum is equal to two crotchets and has two beats.
you can find minum in sapphire in lots of places
Its half a semibreve which is two beats out of the four in one minum as a minum has two beats. Otherwise its two minums per semibreve which is 4. In short: Minum = 2 beats Semi = 4 beats 4/2 = 1/2 therefore half a semibreve per minum.
480 minums per fluid ounce, a minum is about 1 drop
Minun is a single-evolutionary form and so does not evolve.The contrast Pokemon Plusle is also single-evolutionary that has moves and abilities that compliment that of Minun's.
it doesn't
It dependes witch one is female. if the Plusle is female, you will get Plusle, and if Minum is female, you will get Minum.