you should be able to find it in the honey trees just slather honey on it and come back later
In the honey trees just slather honey on them then wait for 3 hours and come back and if you see the honey tree moving around then go to it and press a honey trees-after a while you will find an aipom. they are quite rare, so good luck....
Get it from honey trees
you have a chance to get them when you use honey on honey trees.
This is a common misconception - all honey trees are the same. There are no Honey tree groups.
You cant, but if you put honey on the tree they will come to you.
put honey on honey trees ad wait for one to come
you should be able to find it in the honey trees just slather honey on it and come back later
In the honey trees just slather honey on them then wait for 3 hours and come back and if you see the honey tree moving around then go to it and press a honey trees-after a while you will find an aipom. they are quite rare, so good luck....
so far i have seen munchlax wormpule burmy and combee
You need to buy some honey and put it on some trees. When you come back click the tree if it's shaking and you will find a Pokemon.Aipom is one of the rarer Pokemon to find in honey trees.
Honey is made by bees, not trees.
you have to put the honey on a yellow tree and then come back to the tree you put the honey on about 6 and a half hours later and it should be moving...just click A at it and you should go into a battle.
Attention! there are honey trees they are orange and also its not on honey trees, you have to migrate from leaf green and firered
slather honey that you can buy from a guy in floaroma town on any honey trees and come back later, if it is rustling it MIGHT have munchlax or heracross.
Honey Trees
Get it from honey trees