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Yes it does, I was recording the game with my recording device and while editing the video I heard "what the BEEP" by a little alien critter. I replayed it several times to make sure that's what he was saying and it was. I'm very saddened and disappointed.

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Q: Does halo reach use the F word?
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Does Halo 2 use the f-word?

No, it does not, although some milder profanity is used. If you play the multiplayer mode online, you will likely hear other players use "the f-word," but you can mute their voices.

When does Halo 3 say the f word?

between dawm and bastered minor compared to most games its seems more like a teen rated game

You saw a video where Kevin used what you think is the f word did he really use the word?

No. -shakes head- Its not the f word he said what.

Why boys use the f word?

Most just use the"f" word because things go wrong. Others do it to look cool, and still others were raised that way.

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yes ALOT

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It is a swear word a lot like how Americans use the "F" word.

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Yes they use the f word a lot and others

Southpark episode with record use of f word?

Probably Cash For Gold

Why is the f word blocked when you type in a ---king question?

Because the f word is recognized as a generally offensive word. You need to increase your vocabulary so you won't need to use expletives (bad words).