in explorers of sky, he sends a message saying he's okay.
your character (the Pokemon you turned into) never sees grovyle again, and never does hear the message. Grovyle sent it "on the winds" in the future. unless dialga or celebi does something, grovyle never sees you again probably.
No, he doesn't. How sad.
Grovyle evoles into Torterra.
If it is Rival's Grovyle, evolve your starter a lot.
unlock mystery jungle (30 floor dungeon and unlock it after beating darkrai through random spinda caffe request ). grovyle should appear after about the first 5 floors. However, if you meant the grovyle that assists you, no, he remains in the future (beat dialga and play the sub-story to see what happens to him). He only temporarily joins your team though, as you two play through hidden land and treeshroud forest
Ash's Pokémon in the Hoenn region are Pikachu, Taillow/Swellow, Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile, Corphish, Torkoal, his original Bulbasaur that he left back home and Snorunt/Glalie.pikachu(obviously)toarkoalcorphishtreecko(which evolve into grovyle then sceptile)snorunt(which evovle into glalie)
grovyle takes duskonoir into the future then they disappeare he doesnt come back.
Yes it was sad when he left.. but look up on Youtube Pokémon Explorers of Sky special episode 5 and see what exactly happens to Grovyle after he and Dusknoir return to the future.
To save you and your partner, Dusknoir tries to take everyone, but Grovyle puts an end to that.
No, he doesn't. How sad.
yes, but it's the future, not the past. he comes back with you, and then he takes dusknoir and they go through the dimensional hole back to the alternate future.
he gets sent to the future. if you have EOS you can play the one called In the future of darkness. you can only play it if you complete the game. At the very end of the episode, grovyle, dusknoir and everybody else disappears. but you come back alive from the help of dialga hey look at me answering my own question- well dialga doesent revive you you and your partner put a wish in the future also to keep them there and dusknoir ends his evil ways
Kind of if you count The Extra Adventures Menu I call it
You find yourself stranded on a beach with no memory who you are. You think you are a human then realize you are a Pokemon. You decide to join an exploration team with your friend. At the end of the story (I'm not going to spoil it all😄) you find out you are from the future, and you and grovyle came to the past to collect time gears, so that time would not stop in the future. Celebi enabled you and grovyle to come back in time before but in doing so you lost your memory, turned into a Pokemon, and got separated from grovyle. Dusclops chases you in the past to find you and give you to dialga after you escape from him. (you will find out how) you get all 5 time gears back(after traveling back in time via celebi) then you find your way to dialgas temple and grovyle goes to put the time gears in place, but then dusclops attacks. Grovyle sacrifices himself by pushing dusclops in to the future (and himself)by the area that dialga made so dusclops could come into the past. Your partner is left to put the 5 time gears in place. Then you and your partner leave to fight dialga. After you beat dialga you die/disappear. I forgot who but someone says they owe you a favor then brings you brack to life...weird.
Back to the Future came out in 1985
You cannot have Grovyle on your team again once he takes Dusknoir back to the future with him. However, if you recruit a Treecko (found in Mystifying Forest), and advance its level to 17, you can evolve it into a Grovyle. To match the move set of the original, you need: Absorb, Quick Attack, Leaf Blade, Dig.
If you're talking about his first announcement where he decides to trap grovyle then you must do some jobs that aren't a crystal cavern or crystal crossing. Then when you've done enough jobs he'll make another announcement saying he caught grovyle but he leaves. *Spoilers* BUT he takes you and your partner along with you to the future. then you team up with grovyle through the future and you meet celebi. she takes you to the passage of time. but Dusknoir is there. It shows flashbacks. Your partner tells celebi to time travel to the passage. dialga stops you. but you make it there you, your partner, and grovyle make it back. you search for time gears.
The original Back to the Future was released in July 1985.