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No he can not. If you want gloom use a leaf stone or a sun stone.

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Q: Does gloom learn frenzy plant
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No, only fully-evolved grass starters can learn Frenzy Plant. You would have to evolve your Grotle into Torterra to learn it.

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No. Only Grass type final evolutions can learn Frenzy Plant if you bring it/them to the Move Tutor. There is one for every region.

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How can Tortera learn frenzy plant in Pokemon Diamond?


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frenzy plant

How can torterra learn frenzy plant?

The Move Tutor in a building on Route 228 will teach Torterra Frenzy Plant. (If you are playing Diamond or Pearl, that is.)

How do you get frenzy plant in Pokemon diamond?

on route 228 there is a house talk to a man he let torterra learn frenzy plant ,same 4 infernape but he learn blast burn again with empoleon i think he learn hydro pump