No, because Crunch is a Dark type move, while Garchomp is a Dragon/Ground type.
Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, and Crunch.
A good moveset for Garchomp is: Outrage/ Earthquake/ Brick Break/ Fire Fang. If you want to, you can swap fire fang for crunch or stone edge.
No, Garchomp can't learn Fly.
grow it to level 49 and you got your Garchomp
Garchomp can only learn Outrage if you breed it.
Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, and Crunch.
A good moveset for Garchomp is: Outrage/ Earthquake/ Brick Break/ Fire Fang. If you want to, you can swap fire fang for crunch or stone edge.
Garchomp is not able to learn the move Dark Pulse. Garchomp does however learn Crunch at level 48 which is a physical counterpart to Dark Pulse. Crunch is a much more powerful dark type move for Garchomp as it takes advantage of it's high Attack stat.
Crunch when it evolves and dragon rush at level 55 that's all I know...
if u are talking about 5 crush, then its garchomp in hippodown temple.
it's cap'n crunch and it's drillbit taylor
In Pokémon Pearl, the moves that Garchomp are capable of learning via level up are ones such as Slash, Sandstorm, Take Down, Sand Tomb, Tackle, Fire Fang, Dragon Rage, Sand Attack, Dragon Claw, Crunch, Dig and Dragon Rush.
You can't find garchomp or its previous evolutions in the game. You can see a garchomp if you battle cynthia.
i thnk garchomp will win
No, Garchomp can't learn Fly.
Its... Empoleon Lv100 Surf Hydro Cannon Waterfall Rock Climb Garchomp Lv 63 Earthquake Dig Dragon Claw Dragon Rush Luxray LV 53 Spark Charge Thunder Fang Crunch change garchomp into salamance and have it wit fly, dragon claw, earthquake, and dragon rage