Yes they do but. Don't think all of them. They can't fix cracked games, only scratched. But sometimes even the scratched games wont get fixed and you just wasted your money so.......... That sucks. Just buy a new one. First see if the scratch is deep before taking it to FV..
Blockbuster have a machine that will fix any scratched disc for £2, no matter how scratched, but it cannot be repaired if the disk is shattered or snapped and will have to be replaced.
Bring it to your local game store and ask if they fix scratched disks.
tooth paste? are you kidding? you cant fix a game with tooth paste
your game might be broken go to any video store and ask if they fix games
Yes, but they can't fix it if the scratch is in a circle around the disk.
might be scratched or broken or dusty if broken or scratched it dead.
just put ur bum on it
Broken games that are scratched can seldom be repaired completely
By replacing them. Scratched games are not often repaired by home remedies
No most home remedies do not fix scratched video games
no you will mess it up even more
You can send it into gamestop
Wipe it off with a clothand then try it out. It should be fine.
You don't if a home remedies worked well they would not have all the different suggestions. Even getting a disc polished is not guaranteed to fix the problem
There are a few places in and around Edinburgh that you can have your scratched games fixed and other discs repaired. AD Console Repair Centre is one option, and they are located at 392 Newport Road in Middlesbrough.