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No Feint Attack is just the name for the move. Feint Attack is a Dark Type move that never misses when utilized regardless of the opposing pokemon's evasion stat.

Feint Attack can faint a Pokemon. It's a pretty good attack, too, with 60 base power plus STAB on Dark-type Pokemon.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

No Feint Attack is just the name for the move. Feint Attack is a Dark Type move that never misses when utilized regardless of the opposing pokemon's evasion stat.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Feint Attack can faint a Pokemon. It's a pretty good attack, too, with 60 base power plus STAB on Dark-type Pokemon.

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You can't kill Pokemon you can only make them faint. Dark and ghost types would help make them faint.

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Pokemon don't die .....just faint. If you want them to faint, you let them be defeated in a battle

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Pokemon never die, they just faint. That is why there are Pokemon centers. :)

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Well technically, you can't KILL a Pokemon. You can just make it faint. When you make a legendary Pokemon faint, it will be gone until you start a new game.

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you don't kill Pokemon, that would be sad, you knock them out or make them faint, not KILL them, otherwise i wouldn't like the game very much

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In pokemon colosseum, at lv.36

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You can't, it's not part of the game, they only faint if you try to do so.

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Psychic-type Pokemon are weak to Dark-type attacks, such as Faint Attack or Shadow Sneak.

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No. Its the same for every pokemon. if you make it faint, you wont see it again.

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iff u mean kill like actually like die then no u cant kill a Pokemon but u can make them faint