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No, Exp Share only works while the Pokémon is in your party.

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Q: Does exp share work if the Pokemon is in the day care?
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Where do you breed Pokémon in Pokémon Silver?

You can breed Pokemon by going to the Pokemon Day Care at Route 34. Have two Pokemon stay at the day care. You can put in a female and a male Pokemon or almost any Pokemon and a Ditto in the Day Care for this to work. Once enough time has passed, you can collect an Egg from the old man which has a baby Pokemon in it once hatched.

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Two Pokemon day care?

yes there are 2 Pokemon day care centers 1 in cerulean city for leveling up your Pokemon & the 2nd day care center is on island 4 this is the main day care where you can make baby Pokemon..VERONICA

Can you clone a Pokemon in Pokemon DP without a Action replay?

Yes,by breeding them in the day-care,but the only Legandary Pokemon Eggs you can get are:More than 1 Rotom(Put in day-care with Ditto for a very long time),and Phione(Put Manaphy with...I think Ditto would the day-care).

On Pokemon diamond you gave the day care lady your Pokemon but how can you get them back?

You go inside the Daycare house next to the Day care man and talk to the Day Care lady. You have to pay money to get your Pokemon back. If your Pokemon has had an egg, talk to the Day Care man and get the egg. Then, you can get your Pokemon back.

Where is the day care in Pokemon Ruby?

The Day Care in Pokemon Ruby is on the route West of Mauville City.

Which Pokemon do you put in the Pokemon day care with Empoleon to get a baby piplup?

You put Empoleon and Ditto to the Pokemon Day Care and wait for a long time. Then go back to Pokemon Day Care talk to the old man.

How do you get a Pokemon egg from day care center in Pokemon ruby?

If you left two Pokemon that are of different genders and are of the same egg group, you can get an egg from the Day Care Man outside of the Day Care after you've left the Pokemon there for a while.

Were is the day care in Pokemon Platinum?

Not were, but where, the day care in Pokemon platinum is in solaceon town which northeast of hearthome city

How do you breed pokemon on heartgold?

put it in day care with a ditto

How do you get Pokemon egg soul silver?

you can put ditto with a Pokemon in the day care. or two Pokemon of opposite gender. doesn't work with non gender Pokemon like lugia or porygon.

Who do you ask to breed your Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

the day-care man and day-care lady,they're in solaceon town.