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Dropped items will eventually despawn. The amount of time it takes differs, they go away more quickly if you move further away from them.

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Q: Does dropped items go away in minecraft?
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go into the minecraft source file(windows=Run-%Appdata%-->.minecraft/mac=finder-->Username--> Library--> application support-->minecraft) then go to saves then your world and copy the level.dat file to the desktop. go to minecraft then put all items into your chest. save and exit, then quit minecraft.replace the new level.dat with the one on the desktop and there you go, duplicated items!

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Snow can go away in minecrafts, and can melt very slowly but it will still melt in the category its in on or by the minecraft.

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Does the things in your chest go away if you die in Minecraft?

no it doeset

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Theres something called Google... Plus, minecraft forums

Can snow go away by itself in minecraft?

Yes, but it takes a while.

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The prefix word that means to leave or go away is "de-" or "dis-".

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Go to the tree with the Fruit of Immortality. There Zeus will take the items away from you.

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You just have to go and find the Zamarok Wizard and the Black Knight King again if you forgot to pick up the items Solus dropped from teleporting, then you can go and find him again in khyrral. ALWAYS pick up the items that Solus dropped.

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No, it doesn't make them unbreakable. the "Ubreaking" enchantment in Minecraft just increases that certain item's durability (How it it can go without breaking)

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You must died somewhere else away from your spawn point. You just have to go back to find the dropped item.

Why would you go to the Nether in minecraft?

Going to the Nether you can get unique items only found in the nether and monsters. Items only found in Nether are: Netherrack, Soul Sand and Glowstone. The Mobs only in the Nether as of Minecraft V1.8 Beta are: Ghast and Zombie Pigman.