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Q: Does club penguin email your parents when you get banned?
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How do you activate club penguin so someone can play?

your parents have to activate it from the email club penguin sent to the email you put in the parents email

When you get banned from clubpenguin do they email you?

No, But they will show you on your Club Penguin screen that you got banned, how long are you banned and why.

You were banned on Club Penguin for no reason?

Write an email to customer service if you think you were unfairly banned.

Why do you halve to type in parents email when you sign up for club penguin?

So you could play Club penguin. If you don't type in your right parents email then you cant play...

Can Club Penguin get banned from the concil?

No Club penguin cant get banned from the council

What can you do if you have been banned on Club Penguin?

I got banned before for life well first you must call or email Club Penguin if you call you must speak to a representitive if you email you have to wait a while. To be safe just say your user name and you will be ok.

Will your parents know you got banned on Club Penguin?

Probably not but only if you tell you parents that you got band.

Any non-banned member accounts on club penguin Email you at burnsmimisbcglobalnet?

cupcake.passwordkelly28563 .name

How do you play Club Penguin without an email?

you cant you have to have an email if u want to play club penguin. if u got one put it in. but ask your parents first and u can use ur parents email .then u can activate it.

How do you be an abuser on Club Penguin?

You will be banned from club penguin if you do.

What happens if you get banned on club penguin?

dont play it or sneek behind your parents back

How do you get the type your own talk bar in chat in club penguin?

You have to have your parents get an email.