Yes, but only from bandits while fighting them. Usually as they start to speak it, I'll kill them, and they will stop speaking. Plus, they aren't that loud when they yell it.
For the Borderlands regular game it's about...ahh I'd say about $15 to $20. For the Borderlands...Game Of The Year Edition's about $30 to $40 but in the Game Of The Year Edition, you get all 4 map packs if you have Xbox Live. That's the 2 prices for the 2 version of Borderlands. See'ya!!!
Yes but only once at the end at the game. And russian soldiers may say the f word a lot in russian but most american players wont understand what it means.
No, it is not.
An action word that stars with f is fly!
Less people would say the f word
its a bad word never ever say it
its a bad word never ever say it
The F word
say the f word
I would say brutal legend because I don't like the pastel like coloring of borderlands.
"...In this song i say f**k 93 time..." Song- F**k The World
No it does not have Dynamite does not have bad words in it