yeah in sinnoh in the episodes it eats the park its funny as watch it
its impossible, because riolu is found in the sinnoh league only Sorry! :)
spritbomb spritbomb riolu
114 is unown and 115 is riolu
Ash does not get riolu but it does follow him in Pokemon ranger and the kidnaped riolu and Ash wants to bring him back so he does alitle bit.....
yes buizel and gible and starly
yeah in sinnoh in the episodes it eats the park its funny as watch it
its impossible, because riolu is found in the sinnoh league only Sorry! :)
He should as riolu will assist him in his aura techniques....
spritbomb spritbomb riolu
i think he will and he should
No Ash is not going to battle the Sinnoh Elite 4.
Catch a Riolu and evolve Riolu.
you run around sinnoh and it will hatch into riolu.
114 is unown 115 is riolu