Yes, if you even make one. Fan-made Pokemon games are more often than not, doomed from the start.
If you don't have any experience in code, then don't try.
You can not trade pokemon on this site. I would check out the Global Trade Station, which is in game.
Yes. But you have to have the Pokemon that they want.
okay, if you want a real Pokemon, play the song from 'Rise of Darkrai' and make a Celebi shrine. Then call Arceus and say you want Pokemon, then all 493 Pokemon will appear and he'll give you 1,000,000 master balls. Catch Arceus before the portal closes but he'll make clones of everything including himself. BTY, this is not in ANY POKEMON GAME!!!
yes,mewtwo is in Pokemon fire red. If you want a walk-through to do everything in the game to get him, go click on games and select the game you want.
Well when you get the Natianol pokedex you can miagrate Pokemon from other games just put in a GBA game in the memory card slot and turn on your DS at the menu it should say miagrate Pokemon click on it and vulla but make sure the Pokemon you want to migrate is in the PC or it won't come up. BUT MAKE SURE YOU WANT THEM TO BE MIAGRATED BECAUSE YOU CAN'T GET THEM BACK.
If you want your Pokemon to not be shiny then just delete the shiny cheat or turn it off. Then start the game and your Pokemon should be not shiny.
I will but email me about what game and what Pokemon you want for it. my Email address is:
You can not trade pokemon on this site. I would check out the Global Trade Station, which is in game.
In the game, you can't. But if you want to do it on the computer, I have no clue.
You'll need 2 game cards and 2 DS's. Make one game with the Pokemon you want, then on the other make another game with a different Pokemon. Trade the 2nd Pokemon onto the 1st game, then delete data from the second game. Then make a 3rd game on the 2nd card and trade onto the first one. (:
Yo! It raises the level of the Pokemon by five! Message me if you want me to make some codes for it. I can make unlimited Wondermail codes for anyone. ;3 Hope I helped!
you import them
It all depends on game freak if they still want to make new Pokemon games.
i have it and my game works fine if you want i can trade you mine at we trade, battle, talk, help each other in the game, and we have free Pokemon for prizes sometimes.