You have to check the pokegear everyday to see which pokemon is swarming.
Ive been checking for days and im yet to find them. Good luck though!
the Pokemon guide book tells you wherethe only way i know how to get a ralts in soul silver or heart gold is to listen to the radio in the poke-gear and when it says "a swam of RALTS" (must say ralts) on route 34 go to the route and the very last group of grass go to the back near the tress and just hope you find one
You can't, you have to catch him in 102, there are none in 103, at least not that I know of, check your Pokedex.
sadly,no but I know that ralts, lombre and dustox can learn it if you give half a sheet
To get a Lucky Egg in Pokemon HeartGold (This goes for Pokemon SoulSilver as well), you must find a Chansey in the wild that is holding it. Chanseys are hard to find in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver so you'll have to wait and listen to Professor Oak's Radio Show to know if it is in swarm (Meaning you can find a lot of them on the certain route Oak's Show told you about). To know for sure if a Chansey is holding a Lucky Egg, have a Pokemon that knows the Ability "Frisk", such as a Stantler. Put it into the first slot in your party. When you go into battle and encounter a Chansey, "Frisk" will tell you what it is holding. If nothing happens, then that means Chansey isn't holding anything.
Ralts learns confusion at level 6 and its the only attacking move it can learn until level 26 when it learns psychic also if you wanted to know what level it evovles it does at lv 20 or how to get gallade you need it to be a male and you also need a dawn stone at lv 30
Every so often, you can find Ralts in swarms. Check the radio card on your Poke gear and tune in to Mary and Prof. Oak's channel. They will say that there is a certain Pokemon not normally at the said location. Occasionally, it will be a Ralts. The last time I know it was Ralts was on October 24, 2010. It was on Route 34 (I think) and I couldn't find one. It might be different for you, though.
invasion, swarm, ben10, megachip, alienswarm, battle, Elena, bigchill and DNA.JordanandbenWe tried swarm, battle, Elena, and DNA and none of them worked?! Does anyone know why? How do you check your points level?
I could if I know your name.
You can't you have to use the one that came with it
You could catch a Ralts (I don't know where) and then evolve it into a Gardevoir.
first of all you need a poke radar you get it from proffeser rowan once you have filled the sinnoh pokedex. the best place to find them is on route 203. there pretty rare but if you keep looking you'll find it. Good hunting :)got any more questions about Pokemon pearl? email them to
they mean a swarm of combees you know like a whole bunch of combees
Yes, of course they can swarm more than once. To know when a swarm is happening, talk to your rival's sister or watch TV. If a swarm is happening, a News Alert will show up on the TV when you interact with it.
the Pokemon guide book tells you wherethe only way i know how to get a ralts in soul silver or heart gold is to listen to the radio in the poke-gear and when it says "a swam of RALTS" (must say ralts) on route 34 go to the route and the very last group of grass go to the back near the tress and just hope you find one
first you have to check the radio on prof. Oaks and marys channel listen some time and mary will say a bunch of ralts are on route (i dont know which route she will say) go there and catch a female ralts and evolve it. Mary does not say ralts every day Hope this helped!!
you can only get corsola with the swarm. to know what and where the swarm is ask dawns little sister in sandgem town.
you can find them in route 206 only by swarm though if you don't know what a swarm is then go back and talk to dawn/lucas sister and she tell you there is a swarm on a route she tells you the route and the Pokemon swarming there