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A television that handles 1080i is a high definition model and will therefore support all high definition broadcast formats including 720p. Although 720p is a lower resolution, it is refreshed at twice the rate of 1080i so is classed as another full HD format.

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Q: Does a 1080i tv support PS3 720i games?
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What is the best resolution for a PS3?

The PS3's maximum output resolution is 1080i. However, the actual quality of a game changes how good of a resolution the PS3 will output in. There are very few games that actually support output in 1080i and therefore you will rarely see that good of quality.

Playing ps3 720p games at 1080i display?

you can't do that. 1080i games can be played with a hdmi cable or else it will be at 720p

Will a PS3 run on a on a non-HD TV?

Yes ther are 6 different resolutions your PS3 can play on. 480i, 480p, 720i, 720p, 1080i and 1080p. Once you hook up the composite cables or the HDMI cable it saves the setting automatically and therefore must change the settings again to go back to standard definition.

What is the best T.V. for ps3?

One with 1080p and 1080i compatability

Does the PS3 broadcast in 1080i on olevia TVs?

Ps3 can output basically anything your TV can handle. What it comes down to is what the specific game can output, look at the back of the gamecase, it should say 720p, 1080i etc

Does PS3 games support keyboard with mouse?

It more that there are some that will work on the PS3

Does a PS2 hold ps3 games?

No, you can only play PS2 and PS1 games on the PS2.

What games will the PS3 play other than the PS3 games?

The current versions of the PS3 will play converted (downloaded from the PS Store) PSone and PS2 games. Older, original PS3's (first release) support both PS2 and PS3 disk games. The PS3 will not play PC, Nintendo Wii, or Xbox 360 games.

Does the ps3 with games that only support 720p look better on an sdtv or and old HDTV that only supports 1080i resolution?

PS3 looks better with the best HDTV and Connection available, but will look better on a HDTV with only the provided A/V 480i standard connection because it is a better TV. Quit even noticing what the games resolution is. On my PS3 with a HDMI connection and a HDTV 1080P the DVDs are upgraded and if the games are the not also upgraded they might soon be. Just like all PS3 have the upgrades available to play 3D. Your PS3 games will actually all look better (not just 3D games) if you were to connect the new PS3 3D display available in November 2011 or Upgrade to even any LED LCD 1080p HDTV .

Can you play ps3 games on ps3?

Of course you can. All models of PS3 can also play PS1 games with software emulation. Some models, however rare nowadays, also support PS2 games.

Can my 1080i Ps3 games work on a 720p and vice versa?

Your PS3 works on all PS3 games except for PlayStation Move (without having PS Move ) and possibly 3D and then it takes the signal from working to whatever TV or HDTV it is connected to. If the Connection is the A/V 480i cable that came with the PS3 that will be the reception you get no matter what the game or TV is. If your HDTV is 720P the PS3 will upgrade everything to 720P including movie DVDs and not just games provided you are connected with at least Optional Component A/V cables and not the ones issued with the PS3

Does the logitech g 25 works on PS3?

The Logitech claims it will support PS3 games that support Logitech force feedback, but it was designed for the PC. have reviews also saying that it works on the PS3