No. Live is a term for the Xbox and the Playstation Network is what PSP and PS3 users have for online games and more. There are no PS3 Live servers only because Playstation has the Playstation Network and Xbox has Live
PS3 is owned by Sony, and they have their own servers. XBox is owned by Microsoft.
Yes you do and then the PS3 does not cost any additional money for the PSN (Playstation Network). The difference when they say that the PS3 internet is free is that the Xbox 360 must pay an additional $50 a year to use the Xbox Live
PS3 just research it and you will learn why The Xbox was replaced by the Xbox 360
No the PlayStation 3 comes with Free PlayStation Network. Live is for the Xbox 360 and is not free.
sell your xbox 360 because ps3 are better
This can not be answers because a user may find that the xbox 360 is better than the PS3, others will disagree. If you have played both consoles and maybe played live on both. The answer will be in you. I have played both consoles and found that the Xbox is much more better than the PS3. Like I said, people will disagree with me, other will agree with me.
No unfortunately not. Xbox and Sony have their own servers for online gaming and they cannot connect with each other.
No. PS3 and Xbox has different servers.
No they do not
you can link the servers of the ps3 to xbox 1 and transfer data.
You can not because PlayStation Network and Xbox Live can not interact with each other. Also PS3 can not go on Xbox Live using a PS3.
first it is not ps3 live it is psn (playstation network) no it can not if ps3 were Microsoft or xbox were sony it would be possible
You don't actually get Xbox Live on a PS3, the network for the PS3 is called the PlayStation network (creative). To connect you need an internet connection and a membership. I am currently on the XBox 360, so the details of how to connect aren't my area of expertise...
There is no way. PS3 users play on "PlayStation Network". XBox users play on "XBox Live".
PlayStation network does have the makers of the game build the servers unlike Xbox Live. This is also why the connections on the servers aren't very great on the PlayStation network. By far Xbox Live (if you buy the gold account for 49.99 a year) has much better servers overall. But i have to say that the PS3 is a much better system overall; accept for the fact that you can install your games for less harm to the system on the Xbox. Better Features for PS3: Graphics, Web Browsing, More Games to choose from, and it does everything. (Commercials) 3-D, Blu-Ray, and bigger storage. Also Netflix Streaming, and Videos on the Web. PlayStation Button.
PlayStation Network is free as oppose to Xbox Live because each game on the PlayStation host their own servers. Microsoft pays for their servers regardless of who made the game. If Microsoft hosts the servers for a game that has a Xbox 360 version and a PS3 version of the game also exists and PS3 has the company host the server then doesn't Microsoft charge the company for hosting the server for the Xbox 360 game and also charge the individual for using the server so they can get money from both. Also if what you say is true then why are the Xbox 360 Microsoft developed games not free under Xbox silver because Sony must host the servers for Playstation 3 games developed by them without charging anyone or getting a game company to host the server for the game because they would be the game company
no The games do not work on the same console so it is more than just the different networks Besides both networks have plenty of people using the networks psn and xbox live are restricted to only psn or live, they are unable to cross so no; but it would be AMAZING if they did that would be awesome. .
iv got an xbox 360 but i think ps3 is better.