There is no SD slot on either the original DS or the lite. Only the DSi and the DSi XL have them.
The nintindo DS lite came out two or three years ago. So about 2006 or 2007.
go to the aleins boys shop and buy one.
America - 22nd May, 2006 Europe - 23rd June, 2006 Japan - 7th May, 2006 (I think) Hope this helps.
Go to a Target store near you, (the target store has to have DS download service) with the Autobot Game in you're DS and turn you're ds on and do the download play.
Yes it does. Not gameboy games though.
No, you can not, sorry!
ACTUALLY a Nintendo DS cost about 100
Yes you did. DSi consoles need DSi compatible hardware. The regular Action Replay for the DS/lite will not work.
Near $30
your ugly face p.s. that's a dumb question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its a handheld game that has two screens, the bottom is a touch screen
I have a game I bought fo my DSI (works on other DS too) its called 'Namco Museum DS.'
There is no SD slot on either the original DS or the lite. Only the DSi and the DSi XL have them.
I dont think you can well at least not on a nintindo ds
Blue, Pink, Black, Red and some other colors maybe.
No. The Nintendo DS does not have the correct port for a trading cable, nor has Nintendo taken time to develop a trading cable for the DS.