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not really, he thinks that joey is beneath him and disregards his abilities as a duelist and the 2-0 record he holds over joey

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Q: Does Seto kaiba hate Joey
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Related questions

When was Seto Kaiba created?

Seto Kaiba was created in 1996.

What did Seto Kaiba do of significance?

Seto Kaiba was important because he is the CEO and majority shareholder of the multinational gaming company Kaiba Corp. Seto Kaiba is also referred to just as Kaiba.

Is Seto Kaiba Jaden's father?

No, Seto Kaiba isn't Jaden's father.

Who is hotter Noah or seto kaiba?

Pharaoh Atem. He s way way way cutter then Kaiba. Kaiba is so mean.

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Which episode is seto kaiba appeared in yugioh gx?

Seto Kaiba only appeared in episode 76 in yugioh gx.

What are the name of the 3 dragons in yugioh Waking the Dragons?

1. The Eye Of Tamios [Yugi Muto,Yami, Yami Yugi,Atem,Yatimu] 2. The Fang Of Kriteus [Seto Kaiba, Kaiba Seto] 3. The Claw Of Helmos [Joey Wheller, Jounouchi Katusya]

Is seto kaiba hot?


Who was Seto Kaiba in Yugioh?

Seto Kaiba is the toughest duelist in the world. Seto Kaiba is the majority shareholder and CEO of his own multi-national gaming company. Seto Kaiba is wearing a white KC sleeveless coat and he is wearing a blue belts around his arms and he is also wearing a black pants with a belt. His hair color is brown. He is also Yugi Muto rival. Seto Kaiba can take down all the duelist such as Syrus Truesdale, Jaden Yuki, Chazz Princeton, Alexis Rhodes, Zane Truesdale, and Joey Wheeler. His favorite ace monsters is Blue Eyes White Dragon (x3), Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and Obelisk The Tormentor.

Who plays Seto Kaiba?

Eric Stuart

Does Seto Kaiba and Anzu Mazaki make a cute couple?


Has seto kaiba ever been physically bullied?

If he did, it was never mentioned. His brother Mokuba was, but Seto always stood up for him.