he is green and has green hair and has tan arms and a tan stomach like his brother sonic
brown hair, green outfit
Lumina's son has brown hair and a green outfit.
go to lilys shop over the river the girl with green hair and glasses
Well, the boss of world 5 is one of Browers minions, which has green hair!
Seto Kaiba is the toughest duelist in the world. Seto Kaiba is the majority shareholder and CEO of his own multi-national gaming company. Seto Kaiba is wearing a white KC sleeveless coat and he is wearing a blue belts around his arms and he is also wearing a black pants with a belt. His hair color is brown. He is also Yugi Muto rival. Seto Kaiba can take down all the duelist such as Syrus Truesdale, Jaden Yuki, Chazz Princeton, Alexis Rhodes, Zane Truesdale, and Joey Wheeler. His favorite ace monsters is Blue Eyes White Dragon (x3), Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and Obelisk The Tormentor.
Kaiba's hair color was inconsistently portrayed in different adaptations of the Yu-Gi-Oh series. In the original manga, his hair was depicted as brown. However, in the anime, his hair was initially colored green before being changed to brown in later seasons for aesthetic reasons.
To get green hair you have to die it.... :)
If you dye your hair green, it will be the color green.
no but you can have green pubic hair
no it will not turn your hair green
The Boy with Green Hair was created in 1948.
Captain green hair The Jedi Viper! and the joker
Zombies are typically depicted with decaying or disheveled appearances, but their hair color can vary depending on the portrayal. While some depictions show zombies with green hair, it is not a universal characteristic of zombies.
Ocean water may interact with a chemical in your hair to turn it green. However, ocean water alone will not turn your hair green.
People are not born with green hair. Most of the people in the world are born with blond hair or dark brown hair.
get green dye :)