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(ORIGINAL IS BY 010arman010)

As said below, like all processes, RuneScape takes up RAM when running. How about when it's idle? As I just found out, it also takes its place in the computer as "cache memory." Cache memory is just memory stored from a previous session of a game, website-opening, etc. to make it faster to open the next time you open it, and the next time, etc. This does happen to slow your computer's overall performance down a bit, since your computer doesn't have as much space available as it should, but when you play RuneScape, it makes the game itself go faster.

So, if you do play RuneScape quite frequently, don't mind the above. On the contrary, if you do NOT play RuneScape very often, you might want to look into your personal folder and delete the folders.

Oh, and by the way, when you are looking for the folders, (yes, there are several) they're going to have a weird name like "a7390zojkf302" etc. ; you will be able to tell immediately what folders the cache is in. Also, one folder should have a name like "Jagex.cache.32" etc.


When you are playing, it might be a little hard to multitask, because while you are playing the game, the game itself uses RAM (Random Access Memory). Lets say you have 1 Gigabyte of ram (to see how much RAM you have, click on start, right click on My Computer, and click Properties) RuneScape, I think, uses 255 Gigabytes of RAM. Now if you have 1 Gigabyte of ram, you have 745 Gigabyte of RAM left, so that might cause other things to slow down, such as You Tube, buffering it's videos, but only slightly. If the game its self is off, that means you are not on the Log-In screen, you should not experience any slow down caused by RuneScape.

Please note that RuneScape does not give any Viruses, Spyware, Trojans, or anything like that, RuneScape has been around since 1999, and is very trusted. Attempting to download a hack/cheat/ect. to try and cheat in-game, will of course result in a ban in your RuneScape account, plus what you downloaded might install a virus, or a Keylogger onto your computer. Keyloggers record every keystroke you make and send it to the maker of the Keylogger. Having a Keylogger on your computer is very dangerous, not only will it steal your RuneScape account, but your other information too, like your Credit Card, E-Mail Information, and more. Please do not use your RuneScape password on any website, because they might try to steal your account, only use your RuneScape password on, or

For any questions, contact me at, I will try and respond to you as soon as possible.

Stay Safe,


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