I do not think so. If it did, it would probably be rated E for everyone..
There isn't an ESRB rating for Roblox.I do not think it is rated because of the unpredictability of the internet
Minecraft is 100% better than roblox. roblx is old anyway
I would give it an E10. The reason is people can swear or cuss. I read a review about ROBLOX and they said " parents be warned believed it so I wrote it for all of public.
Hi it me again i think Roblox is better has its a friendly fun game :3 but for this game "Fortnite" It has killing in the game itself so i don't think it would be a good game for everyone
It's literally Roblox.
There isn't an ESRB rating for Roblox.I do not think it is rated because of the unpredictability of the internet
Minecraft is 100% better than roblox. roblx is old anyway
In my opinion yes,but ESERB has rated it M so no by there standards it is not ok.
I would give it an E10. The reason is people can swear or cuss. I read a review about ROBLOX and they said " parents be warned believed it so I wrote it for all of public.
Hi it me again i think Roblox is better has its a friendly fun game :3 but for this game "Fortnite" It has killing in the game itself so i don't think it would be a good game for everyone
It's literally Roblox.
honestly both are fun roblox is a game of many genres but if you prefer shooting games over roleplays, simulators and, meme games. then fortnite is for you but roblox also has lots of activities so they are both fun
RP mean they haven't been rated yet so the may or may not have bad stuff in it. go to ESERB's website for more info
right its roblox
Times have changed on roblox and it is on there if you play roblox.
no roblox is not dumb