Yes it does. I've tried it and it works perfectly! It's much faster than your freedom or other alternatives. It's even easier to setup too.
you can't because the school doesn't want the children to go on any dangerous things. For an example talk to srangers! YOU CAN'T GO ON FACEBOOK AT ALL AT SCHOOL!!
You would want something easy to play if your a busy person. You would not want to play the violin because it would take up time practicing. You could try the guitar, ukulele, or trumpet.
Not really. It's bad for your eyes to stare at a computer screen for a really long time, you end up getting unfit and more lazy and you eventually want to just sit there and play the game and you lose interest in what you used to like doing.
yes but it is really hard you have to go onto online then choose how many players you want that is how you do it
You cant play as her in the game she a character you want to save so you cant play as her
Play high school basketball. Be really good at it.
yes because if you focus on sports you will get bad grades but if you really want to play you'd get good and and be able to play
idk i want to but my mom and dad have to work so they want be able to take me to the games I'm a girl and that's not really excepted at my school, but i want to.
i want to play games at school but good ones
Yes you do, only if you want to, but that would be really good if you did go.Hope this helped:)You MUST if you want to be a doctor. You need a license . It is illegal to " play " doctor.
Because you have school and that is more important in the long run. If you really want to play on the weekdays, do extremely well in school, and they might let you. Or just go to a friends house :)
She didnt really choose to be she was discovered at her school play years ago by a agent and has been an actress ever since!
If you have a computer at school with an internet connection, you'll want to go to FunOrb, and then find Arcanists.Thats not what he meant.But you just can't, sorry. Its not really going to happen without permission.Silersun4
good question. First you have to play when your young. Then play for your middle school team . then you play for your high school team. When you go to college and your really good and make the team, you might get drafted by the NBA But you can get drafted from high school
It really depends on what instrument you want to learn to play. I play the violin, but I don't know what you want to play. I suggest asking your parents for a tutor.
It is a very good school for poeple who really want to learn :)