yes but it is really hard you have to go onto online then choose how many players you want that is how you do it
offline firefight coop surpports online 16 players, system link 16, and 4player split screen.
no you cant
i would imagine so considering that player character is apart of a squadron called Team Noble, however Bungie hasent officially released anything really about the campaign.
Halo Reach is definitely for single player. Campaign and Forge, you can do alone, but you will get the most amount of entertainment out of the multiplayer modes.
You can get 43 achievements offline on halo 3 im not sure on odst.
offline firefight coop surpports online 16 players, system link 16, and 4player split screen.
To get credits in Halo: Reach with a silver, or offline account, you need to play offline Campaign, Forge mode, or local Custom Games.
you don't.
no you cant
Either get wifi or ethernet hooked up to your xbox and go into matchmaking or for two player offline just go to custom game.
mabeye your sever is offline
What the guy before me Obviously meant to say was, No, Halo ODST Offered you the beta. Halo reach came out 5 days ago, and once again you do not need XBL you can play halo reach without it, but on the otherhand, xbox live offers multiplayer coop campaign coop firefight and forge and custom games. So would buy XBL anyway. Gamertag Mr Gingee
Just play a lot of campain.
you can if you play coop campaign mode. The second player will be the arbiter
Yes it is two player on the same console and 4 if over xbox live
i would imagine so considering that player character is apart of a squadron called Team Noble, however Bungie hasent officially released anything really about the campaign.