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Well, Mew was in the 1st movie (you already knew that lol I knowz). And in the 8th Lucario movie, Mew comes back as one of the (kinda) main character.

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Q: Does Mewtwo ever come back in the series of Pokemon?
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It wont come back unless you saved before you battled it.

How do you get mew in Pokemon indiogo?

i don't know how to get mew but i know how to get mewtwo face the leader with the earth badge 20 times with one Pokemon and then it will take you back to the map then wait dn't move look in the bar where the Pokemon's come up and you will find mewtwo and try capture him.

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Mewtwo ,Mew, Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, & come more

Will misty come back to Pokemon?

Unfortunatly not. Pokemon Inc. has to keep on moving with new characters. If you ever have any questions about Pokemon you just let me know! that is wrong . a Japanese producer said that she will come back in the 12 series {black and white}

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Yes it does, you can catch it in Cerulean Cave.

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you have to go to spear pillar with a death stone bring your mewtwo use the death stone on the mewtwo mewtwo will get killed and mewtwo spirit will come and mewtwos spirit is mewthree catch it and there u go (i actually did dis mewthree is not a hack i know)

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Some Pokemon do, others come with their own areas EG. Mewtwo

Can you get inside the Pokemon daycare?

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Does N come back in Pokemon Black and White?

no he will come in the next pokemon game