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Q: Does Metagross know how to surf?
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Will someone trade you a zekrom for metagross?

That depends on the levels of both zekrom and metagross and what moves they know

How can you beat Pokemon Colosseum?

Beat Evice With Pokemon Over 60's or you can beat evice with metagross lvl 70 metagross save metagross for machamp because metagross know's psychic or espeon lvl 70 because machamp know's earthquake and catch tyranitar with a master ball i think he is lvl 55

Are Swampert Metagross and Alakazam a good Emerald Frontier Team?

Alakazam/Choice Band: * Flamethrower * Ice Beam * ThunderBolt * Psychic Metagross/Lum Berry: * Meteor Mash * Earthquake * Cross Chop * Explosion Swamper/Leftovers: * Ice beam * Surf * Earthquake * Rest

What does metagross evolve from?

Metagross is a Steel and Psychic type pokemon.

When does metagross evolve?

Metagross will not evolve.

Is Metagross Charizard and Snorlax a good team?

yes, depending on their levels and what moves they know.

Will metagross be in brawl?

metagross will be at the house at brawl after beating the league

What level does metagross learn earthquake?

Metagross can only learn Earthquake with the use of a TM.

What level does meatng evolve into Metagross on sapphire?

lvl45 I should know I have one and it is really tough to do that

When will metang evolve to metagross?

Metang evolves into Metagross at Level 45.

Can children surf when diagnosed with Ebstein's Anomaly?

If they know how to surf, yes!

Can you breed metagross?

Sometimes you can breed metagross, sometimes you can't, it depends on the Pokemon version, but if you breed it with a ditto, the metagross should be able to breed.