Sometimes you can breed metagross, sometimes you can't, it depends on the Pokemon version, but if you breed it with a ditto, the metagross should be able to breed.
Metagross will not evolve.
Metang evolves into Metagross at Level 45.
The 1st Form Of Metagross Is da da da..............METATANG!!!!
Metagross is a Steel/Psychic type, therefore it is weak to...GroundFire
Yes, I think so even do Metagross is a genderless thing. You should try it to find out.
breed a ditto and a beldum/metang/metagross or trade one over
Actually to be quite frank almost everything can breed except legendary Pokemon such as mewtwo, everything else can breed even non gender Pokemon such as beldum which evolves into metagross.
No if you want more beldums breed metagross with a ditto.
Metagross is a Steel and Psychic type pokemon.
Metagross will not evolve.
Just breed a Beldum, Metang or Metagross with a Ditto in the daycare, or with one of the pokemon in the Mineral egg group.
Metagross is not a legendary Pokemon, for it can breed, it evolved from a previous stage, and can be found more than once. It is, however, considered a pseudo legendary, which is a fan-made term used for Pokemon with a stat total of 600.
metagross will be at the house at brawl after beating the league
Metagross can only learn Earthquake with the use of a TM.
Metang evolves into Metagross at Level 45.
beldum metang and metagross are not in the game :(