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Q: Does MW2 have mature filter
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Can you turn cod MW2 into a 15?

No the game is rated as Mature in the USA and playing it with a filter does not change the rating

Is MW2 rated m for the multiplayer?

Modern Warfare 2 (mw2) is rated m for MATURE.

How old do you have to be to play cod mw2?

The game has a rating of Mature, so 17+.

How do you turn on mature content filter on Call of Duty Blackopps?

You need to go into options and there should be an "Adult Content Filter" or "Mature Content Filter." I don't have the game but I have heard people say that's what you do. Hope I helped!

Why is call of duty 6 M?

Call of Duty last used the series numbers with CoD 4 so you might be asking about MW2 and in any case all the first person shooters and not just Call of Duty are Mature because they have intense violence. Anything else is just because they are already going to be mature rated. MW2 has strong language, blood and gore, and intense violence

Where can you get COD MW2?

You can get the game at EB Games, or from a website called steam. Just to let you know its rated "M" for Mature (or 18+). or you could just get it from Tesco for around £25

Does the 2010 game Aliens vs predator have a mature content filter?

NO, Why would you want one?

What is better MW2 or a puddle?

MW2 dum,dum. :(

Should black ops be rated m with the filter on?

The filter has nothing to do with the ratings, which are correct. Also the filter does not stop everything there is still intense violence and that gets a mature all by itself. Black Ops and the rest of the First Person Shooters have the correct rating. It does not stop someone from playing it only says that it is for mature and makes purchase harder

What is better cod4 or cod MW2?

Im pretty sure Mw2 is better because i have both and mw2 has a better multiplayer. Mw2- 9 out of 10 Cod4- 8.5 out of 10

Is there a mature content filter on wii black ops?

Yes, I believe you can modify the graphics on the options menu.

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