Yeah because first she tried to hook up dawn and that other guy and in the episode when they where trapped she asked dawn if ash was your boyfriend
they are brother and sister
Ash found his Chikorita in the episode that was titled "The Chikorita Rescue" however other Chikorita he has found is Casey's Chikorita who first appeared in the episode that was titled "The Double Trouble Header" and Lyra's Chikorita who first appeared in the episode that was titled "An Egg Scramble."
You can't battle Lyra.
if a baby is called ash and acts like ash in Pokemon then that's ash
Yes, yes she totally, truelly true, and romantically love ash!!!!!!!!!!!!
Misty, May, Dawn, Latias, Bianca, Anabel, Angie, and Lyra like Ash.
Well ash and dawn don't really confess but through episodes 612 - 616 (galactic battles) dawn, ash and brock meet Lyra and Corey. Through out this episodes Lyra is trying to get ash and dawn to confess their love for each other by asking question, saying silly things to get them embarrassed, etc. In one episode, Lyra asks dawn if ash is her boyfriend because they are trapped in a room and can't get out. Lyra carrys on about which of the three she would marry and starts saying good things about ash to try and get dawn to notice him as more than a friend. In another one of these episodes, dawn's in a contest and Lyra asks ash if he thinks dawn is the number one here, it a escapes ash's mind that Lyra is on about and ash replies, then Lyra says " that's not what i meant" Watch these episodes it really shows that dawn and ash care for each and watch the last sinoh league episode called Memories are made of bliss that shows they like each other and watch episode 510 (season 11)
Episode 38 is when ash meets lyra athough sadly she doesnt stay around for long only like 4-5 episodes. i would have loved to see her in the series more she has such a good character what a waste to let her go so quickly :\ haha :P
I don't really know.. i think Lyra likes you though?
they are brother and sister
Sadly, no. However in the series of Pokemon DP Galactic Battle they met this girl Lyra and she kept trying to get Ash and Dawn together, she thought they like-liked eachother. It was pretty funny though. :) I suppose its possible they may end up together... hopefully.
well ash actuallly gets lost with Lyra , pikachu, dawn pipulup. in diglets cave when they were trying to catch a wild gible Khoury was there too.
a liar. they say liar so many times it begins to sound like lyra and liar are the same! :)
Beatriz Lyra's birth name is Beatriz Alcina de Lyra Andrade.
The constellation between Cygnus and Hercules is Lyra. Lyra is represented as a harp in Greek mythology and contains the bright star Vega.
logitude hours of lyra