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Once you have completed the first 2 missions on Just Cause 2, you can do what you want. So yes, Just Cause 2 does have free roam.

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Q: Does Just Cause 2 have free roam?
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What kind of game is just cause 2?

Just Cause 2 is a free-roam action game, similar to GTA.

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Games such as Oblivion, Fallout 3, Just Cause 2, Far Cry 2 and Crackdown are some great free roam games.

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If you mean silly free roam games, Just Cause 2 is good but has a slightly lower rating, or if you mean general free roam GTA IV is ok, but is quite serious. Saints Row The Third looks good, so you could wait for that. I just pre-ordered it=)

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will it is just stroy mode there is no free roam that is the bad thing, but you can go online with your mates and play like if it's story mode.

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Can you free roam on The Sims 2?

You can not free roam on the sims 2. Well you have to be on a lot like a house or some kind of property but you may roam on the sims 3 where ever you want unlike the sims 2.

What happens when you beat prototype 2?

You just have free roam, where you can do what you want and replay missions to get a better score.

Can you free roam on just clause 2?

Once you have completed the first 2 tutorial missions, you can go anywhere or do anything you want.

How do you get free black market items in just cause 2?

You cannot get free black Market items on Just Cause 2.

How do you freeplay on just cause 2?

how to get free play on juse cause 2

How do you do free roam in Lego batman 2?

you have to hold Y

Is there Free roam on juiced 2?

No, but you kan race free in DNA lab on the meny.