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No, Necro Fleur's ' can' effect is not one that can miss the timing.

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Q: Does Fragrance Storm cause Necro Fleur to miss the timing in Yu-Gi-Oh?
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Where is the necromancer class armor in aqw?

Its in the top of the necro tower in DoomWood

Where do you get necromancer class in aqworlds?

You can get Necromancer class at the "Necro Tower" (/join necrotower). Go up the tower and talk to NPC Sally. She will have the shop to buy Necromancer.

Yugioh can you activate evil hero infernal gainer effect in graveyard?

In general, a monster's effect can only be used while it is face-up on the field. If it can activate in a different zone, such as hand (Gorz, Emissary of Darkness) graveyard (Necro Gardna) or while banished (Stardust Dragon) then it will say so on the card. This is why a card such as Cyber Dragon cannot freely summon itself from the graveyard every time the condition is correct - it summons from hand. Evil HERO Infernal Gainer has no such text, therefore the cost of banishing it to activate its effect, can only be performed while it is face-up on the field.

Does 'Interdimensional Matter Transporter' negate a monster's attack?

'Negate' is a very specific word in Yu-Gi-Oh. No, Interdimensional Matter Transporter does not 'negate' the attack (unlike cards such as Necro Gardna), but the attack is stopped nonetheless. As soon as the attacking monster leaves the field, that particular attack step ends, the defending monster is not flipped if face-down, and no damage is calculated.

Does 'Sakuretsu Armor' negate the attack?

No, but it does stop it. 'Negate' is a very specific game term, which has other meanings and significance. All Sakuretsu Armor does is make it impossible to continue the attack step by removing the attacking monster - the Damage Step will not be entered, so the defender will not flip if face-down, and no damage will be calculated. However it is still not accurate to say it 'negated' the attack, which other cards like Necro Gardna actually do.