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Yes, I have connected my Wii to my Export Express (under my MAC environment) with out any problem, so the short answer is, YES

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If it is a USB port charger - plug it into the back of your Wii (which should have a USB slot) or plug it into any other USB port such as a laptop & games console!

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No. You must either get a USB adapter or use a Wireless connection.:)Another, more accurate answer.The standard Wii comes with a wireless NIC built in. You may need to configure the Wii and/or your wireless router to make it work.

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The VGA port on a laptop is an output port, not input. Besides, the Wii cannot output via VGA anyway. If you want to capture video from the Wii and display it on your laptop, you will need to purchase a video capture card with RCA input.

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No. Only Wii discs will work with the Wii console

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Only Wii discs and Nintendo GameCube discs will work on the Wii