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depends if ur ps3 has wifi mine doesnt so then u need the cable otherwise just connect to wifi and start playing

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Q: Do you still need an Ethernet cable if you have wi-fi?
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Related questions

What is the benefits of wifi?

wifi is wireless internet. so you dont need to run a ethernet cable to your device to have internet if it is wifi ready.

Do you need a Ethernet cable to buy on ps3 store?

You need an online connection to use the PlayStation Store. A PS3 can connect with an ethernet cable or WiFi to your existing internet service

Can you get online for the PS3 with just cable?

If you want to know if you need WiFi to get online then no you don't. You can connect an ethernet cable from your cable modem or from a router to the ethernet port in the back of a PS3

Does ps2 slim need wifi for the internet?

No it can connect with a ethernet cable to your modem or router

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Can you get online to a ps3 without an Ethernet cable or router?

PS3 can only get an online connection with DSL or Cable WiFi or ethernet

How do you get offline?

Unplug the ethernet cable or your wifi connection. then shutdown

How do you get xbox live without wifi?

Use an Ethernet cable!

How do use your computer to hook up a Playstation 3 To hotel internet?

If the hotel has broadband WiFi you don't need the computer just use the PS3 WiFi connection and if it has Ethernet then plug the Ethernet cable in your PS3.

How do you access a WiFi with a Ethernet card?

Ethernet cards are built for Ethernet Cable only. If you are willing to connect to the internet via Desktop, you will either need a network wifi adapter which is an I/O item or you can get a wifi card that you will have to manually input witin the desktop case itself and in my opinion, that is the best way to go.

How do you connect a wireless router to the back of your ps3?

A PS3 has WiFi and you can put the router next to your modem. The only thing the back of a PS3 uses for the internet is for a wired connection with an ethernet cable to your router or modem instead of a WiFi connection

Is it possible to connect your playstation 3 to the internet using an intenet card?

no you need WiFi from DSL or cable or an ethernet connection