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Q: Do you need to see manaphy to finish the Sinnoh pokedex?
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How do you finish the Sinnoh pokedex if you cand see heatran?

in the sinnoh pokedex u dont need to c heatran he is only obtainable after u get the national dex

In platinum where is Pokemon 151 152?

#151 in the sinnoh pokedex is rotom. you can find him at the old chateau at night in a TV. #152 in the sinnoh pokedex is manaphy. manaphy cannot be obtained directly in platinum, if I'm not mistaken. you'll need to play Pokemon ranger. #151 and 152 in the NATIONAL pokedex however, is mew and chikorita...

Do you need to finish the Sinnoh pokedex to find the regies in Pokemon platinum?

yes its easy

How do you get a national pokedex on platinum without seeing manaphy?

well u have to see manaphy. in order to get manaphy on your pokedex, go to the library in Canalave City. On the top floor i think there is a book on the table. Read it and it will show you a pic of manaphy and it will automatically be added to your dex. also if you need help on finding the other Pokemon to complete the sinnoh dex go to this link----------->

DS games Pokemon Platinum How do you get past the two guys on route 205?

you first need to receive the national pokedex, in order to do that you need to finish the sinnoh pokedex.

Can you finish the Sinnoh pokedex before you beat the elite 4?

No you can't, you have to beat Cynthia because you need her Millotic in your pokedex to make up the 150.

Do you have to have phione to comlete the national pokedex?

You need to for the National Pokedex, but not the Sinnoh Pokedex.

What Pokemon do you need to finish the Sinnoh dex?

it depends on what you have on your pokedex Yu need to see all 150 Pokemon on the sinnoh dex to get the national dex, some of the Pokemon can only be seen from the Elite Four.

Do you need to complete the battle frontier to finish the sioonoh pokedex of?

NO you just have to get all the sinnoh Pokemon if its diamond or pearl but in platinum there is more...............

How do you get to route 225 in Pokemon diamond?

you have to complete the sinnoh pokedex and get the national pokedex hope i helped :P

On Pokemon Diamond the profeser wont show up and you need the natinal pokdex?

you need to finish the sinnoh pokedex then go to professor Rowans lab and professor Oak will give you it

In Pokemon pearl do you need manaphy in the pokedex so you can get to survail area?

No, you do not need Manaphy in your Dex in Pearl in order to get to the Survival Area.