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no use mean look/shadow tag/arena trap and a lot of ultra balls

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Q: Do you need to catch latios with a master ball?
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How do you catch latios in Pokemon ruby version?

yes, but u have to see him somwere in the hoen region listen i caught both latios and latiose by just walking on grass but u need a master ball to do this

Do you need a master ball to catch lugia?

No any ball will work

Do you need a master ball to catch mew in pokemon firered?

No, you do not need a master ball, if you get it to a low enough hp, you can catch it with an ultra ball. You can find mew in the end of the cave in cerulean.

What do you need to do to catch Mewtwo in FireRed?

You can probaly catch him with a ultra ball but I would use the master ball

Where do you catch latios in ruby?

After you beat the elite four, he roams around Hoenn, and you encounter him randomly in grassland (and water, I think, but definitely grass). He's hard to catch, and I would recommend that you save your Master Ball for him. To catch Latias, you need Sapphire, I believe.

Can you catch regice without a master ball?

you need to have two master balls.

Where can you catch latios on Pokemon saphhire?

You can't. Latios can only be found on Ruby. Latias is in Sapphire. And believe me, they are a PAIN to catch. You need at least 50 balls of any kind (not Master) to catch them. Unless you are extremely lucky like me. Tee-hee!

Do you need to get Zapdos on red before you catch it with a ultra ball?

no. you actually dont. But I caught him with a master ball because I have 999 Master Ball. My brother caught it with a poke ball on yellow. Shake your DS and it will be easier to catch.

What pokeball do you need to catch regice?

it doesnt matter what ball you use... ultra ball or master ball is recommended though

How do you catch Giratina without a master ball?

you cant, you will need a master ball. I wasted mine catching Dialga yes u can use a heal ball i did it b4 im proved by pkmn master

Do you need master balls to catch the legendaries?

NO!!! i caught my rayquaza kyogre groudon regice regirock registeel and latios with ultra balls.....i know i lot of stupid asses think that you need master balls but you dont

What pokeball do you need to catch raikou?

A master ball ,ultra ball or fast balls etc.NOTE:Raikou flees a lot