no, but you do need a source game like Half Life, Half Life2, or Team Fortress2
Gmod is a sandbox game based on the Half Life 2 engine. Unfortunately it is impossible to get rid of the scripted entity limit on Gmod as it is built into the engine.
No it is not. It requires one of the games in the half life 2 series such as TF2 portal or half life 2.
no you cant but if you buy Half-Life 2 for PC you can get Gmod and mod the game ect.
if your talking about the gmod that you buy off steam, nothing game wise oh, and $10
no it cost 10 bucks on steam plus u need 1 source game like counter-strike source or half-life 2 there are others but these and day of defeat source are ones you should get first css=$20 hl2=$20 dods=$10 gmod=$10 total=$60 you dont need all I suggest getting Team Fortress 2 bundle.
No, you do not need to be on the game you bought with Gmod to play it although you do need to have the game installed to run gmod and i also recommend having the game Half-Life 2 installed to get most of the textures and weapons and npcs and props that go along with it.
Gmod is only for the computer. You just install Steam (you can install it buy going to and then there you have it. But you will need a source, so will need to buy either Tam Fortress 2 or Half-Life. Gmod is also 10$.
Gmod is a sandbox game based on the Half Life 2 engine. Unfortunately it is impossible to get rid of the scripted entity limit on Gmod as it is built into the engine.
No it is not. It requires one of the games in the half life 2 series such as TF2 portal or half life 2.
Yes, and it's fun and free.
If you can atleast Run Half Life 2 you can run it.
only if you have Half-life: source as the model formats are slightly different, as are the enginesyou can get Half-life source off steamat: < >
if you have bought garrysmod on its own then that is your problem, you need to have another game to back up gmod otherwise you will have missing textures, ragdolls and guns, to solve this go onto steam and buy half life 2 or the orange box pack
No I don't sorry.
no you cant but if you buy Half-Life 2 for PC you can get Gmod and mod the game ect.
well if you get roblox or mabey you need Gmod in minecraft Idont know
You need to download Gmod 9.0.4c when you start there will be 3 choose unmark the Gmod 9.0.4b and your set to go and play gmod 9 online.