You don't lose your members items. However, if your bank has more than 68 items in it you will not be able to store anything. If you unequip a member's object you cannot re equip it until you are back on a member's world, and all member's arms and armor will not give any bonuses.
well if your a non member and want to turn into a member and get all the cool stuff, when you turn into a member you lose all the stuff you ever had from when you were a non member. if i were you i wouldn't turn into a member.
You have to go to their membership page and purchase a membership. Or you can buy a game card at stores like Target.
They give you a certain number to call ( Surfpin - It is safe ), then you just listen to them describe the stuff you can do on members, then at the end they give you a code for you to write down or remember and type. You type that code in, and it will activate your membership.
when you loose you membership on moshi monsters, you still keep all your stuff and are left with two randomly picked moshlings. but you cant go to the port or other member stores and places.
Idk who cares about runescape world of warcraft is where its at. I disagree, and i have only figured out how to dye goblin mails. U have to get a dye, right click and click "use" the click on the mail (al done in ur inventory). U will need to do this to complete a member quest, i forget which one. I also can't remember if dying is just member stuff and for that i am sorry. Sicerely, Astro Z11
yes its happened to me
You do not lose your stuff but you cant wear them until you a member again!Hope this helps!
well if your membership expires you cant use the stuff you bought like hats wigs clothes etc.
When your membership expires, you will lose all membership features, but any furniture or accessories you have brought you'll get to keep.
yes and if you re-new your member ship you keep all the stuff you had before
When your membership expires, you will lose all membership features, but any furniture or accessories you have brought you'll get to keep.
All Your Stuff GOes TO Bank And You Have TO Redecorate It When YOur Member Again...:)
You can not use any of your member stuff, if you have a member class equipped it will show up as no class, and if u have a member wep equipped you have default sword. For armor I forgot, be better to sell your member stuff or renew your membership. I recommend getting AC's items if you can. You have use this and bank those as much as you want.
When your membership expires you still have your membership stuff but you can not use it until you renew your membership, and your igloo will go back to normal when it expires but when you renew it all the stuff will come back like the way it was. Also, if you bought member puffles you still get to keep them but take care of you member puffles because if your a non member and you lose them there gone forever! or until your a member again!
when your membership expires you get to keep all your stuff furniture clothes everything hope this helps.
No. That is one of the few things you keep when your membership expires. I strongly suggest to get the best gravestone - that costs half a million - then, when you die, you have six minutes time to recover your stuff.No. That is one of the few things you keep when your membership expires. I strongly suggest to get the best gravestone - that costs half a million - then, when you die, you have six minutes time to recover your stuff.No. That is one of the few things you keep when your membership expires. I strongly suggest to get the best gravestone - that costs half a million - then, when you die, you have six minutes time to recover your stuff.No. That is one of the few things you keep when your membership expires. I strongly suggest to get the best gravestone - that costs half a million - then, when you die, you have six minutes time to recover your stuff.