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No, but it helps.

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Q: Do you have to use poke radar to find swarm Pokemon?
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Do you have to use your poke radar to get Pokemon in the swarm?

No, but it can increase your chances of finding a shiny.

Which Pokemon are in Route 228?

The following Pokemon can be found in Route 228:GrassDiglettDugtrioRhydonCacneaCacturneHippowdonBeldum (Swarm only)Trapinch (Poke Radar)Vibrava (Poke Radar)Sandslash (Leaf Green in dual slot)Surfing/FishingPoliwagPoliwhirlMagikarpGyaradosBarboachWhiscash

Can you find the Pokemon modifier Pokemon with the poke radar?

no you cannot get thePokemon modifier with the poke radar, you must get it with cheats or at events.

Where do you find mareep on Pokemon platinum?

u find it in the valley of windworks with a poke radar u can also find a electrike there but you have to talk to dawns sister first telling you about a swarm but it is sometimes different for a swarm sometimes skitty and etc.Hope this helped:) ( ) ( ) ( ' ' ) () () () () bunny

What Pokemon can you get with the poke radar?

If you use the Poke Radar you will have a chance of getting a shiny Pokemon. But the actual Pokemon will not USUALLY change by using the Poke Radar.

What is a pokerader?

The correct spelling is Poke Radar instead of PokeRadar. Poke Radar is a key item in the Pokemon game. Its function is to point out where you can find Pokemon in grass, including some rare Pokemon that are only available when you use the Poke Radar.

Can you get the Poke Radar in Pokemon HeartGold?

Yes you can get the Poke Radar

How do you get the poke radar in black?

You cannot get the Poke Radar in Pokemon Black.

Where do you find Ditto on Pokemon Fire Red?

by calanave with poke radar

Where to find a nincada in Pokemon diamond?

in eternal forest with poke radar

How do you find poke radar Pokemon?

You get the pokeradar for getting the National Pokedex

Where can you find Grimer in Pokemon Platinum?

Route 212 with the poke Radar