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you use the poke radar and max repels and you use poke radar and go to the closest rustling grass afterwords after about 64 Pokemon you should find a shiny

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Q: How do you encounter a shiny Pokemon?
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How do you get a shiny Pokemon FireRed?

Shiny Pokemon appear randomly in the wild. Every encounter, there is approximately a 1/8500 chance that it will be shiny. If you encounter a shiny Pokemon, it is best that you capture it, as it is a very very rare event.

What is the chance of shiny Pokemon encounter?


Can you get a shiny Pokemon in Pokemon HeartGold?

Yes, it is possible to get a shiny Pokemon in HeartGold. Shiny Pokemon are extremely rare, and sometimes you may never encounter them in the game.

How do you get a shiny Riolu in Pokemon Pearl?

A shiny Riolu is like any other shiny Pokemon in the game, for every Pokemon that you encounter, there is a 1 in 8192 chance that it will be shiny.

Where can you get a shiny Pokemon in platinum?

The only way to get a shiny Pokemon is by a random encounter or by trading with another player.

What is different from Pokemon that have different colors on Pokemon?

The difference is that the Pokemon that have different color (a.k.a the SHINY) Pokemon are very hard to encounter because their is a 1/8192 chance to encounter that Pokemon as a shiny. Their really isn't a difference between them. The only difference is that they are harder to encounter.

How do you encounter a shiny Pokemon with hacking?

eat the game

What is the Pokemon diamond shiny code for AR?

I used 12068AC6 000046C0 but all the Pokemon you encounter will be shiny thanks who ever you are

What is the chance of finding a shiny mewtwo in Pokemon fire red?

1/8192, which is the normal encounter rate for all shiny Pokemon.

What nature does the Pokemon need to be for it to be shiny on FireRed?

The nature of the Pokemon has absolutely nothing to do with it being shiny or not. Every time you encounter a wild Pokemon, it has a 1 out of 8192 chance of being differnet colored, or shiny; thus being able to encounter one is very rare. Any Pokemon can be shiny, you just have to be lucky enough to find one.

How do you get a shiny Pokemon to hatch out of an egg?

you just have to encounter the Pokemon that is going to hatch out of the egg about 1000 times and if your lucky it'll be a shiny Pokemon hope this helped:)

What is the Pokemon diamond code that allow you to always encounter shiny Pokemon?

The shiny code {press L+R+select}12068ac6 000046c0Makes Pokemon in your box, wild, trainers etc. shiny