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If a Toon Monster is Level 5 or above, then you must Tribute the appropriate number of monsters (as you would with a Tribute Summon) to Special Summon them onto the field. It is not considered a Tribute Summon, however, so therefore you could use Tokens such as the Sheep Tokens from Scapegoat. Keep in mind that Toon World must be present on the field.

For example, you have four Sheep Tokens from a Scapegoatyou activated the previous turn, and one Toon World active on the field. You also have one Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon in your Hand. You can Special Summon it by Tributing two Sheep Tokens because it is a Level 8 Toon Monster.

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Q: Do you have to tribute for toon monsters?
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Do you need to sacrifice to summon toon monsters?

depending on what toon you planning to summon. If you planning to summon a monster like toon summoned skull or blue eyes toon dragon, then you will have to tribute to summon them while toon world is in play. Otherwise, if you summoning Toon Gemini Elf for example, you don't have to tribute.

If you summon a toon monster with 7 stars does it need tributes?

Yes. To Special Summon a Level 7 Toon Monster, you must Tribute any two monsters on your side of the field. For Levels 5-6, you must Tribute one. For Levels 7 and above, you must Tribute two. High Level Toon Monsters follow the same guidelines as Tribute Summons. Note that it is considered a Special Summon, not a Tribute Summon.

Do you need to tribute for special summons?

You only need tribute for a special summon if the summoning text specifically says you do, ie, Toon Monsters.

Can all Toon monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh attack directly?

There are two different "kinds" of Toon monsters that behave slightly differently. The newer Toon monsters state the following:While you control "Toon World" and your opponent controls no Toon Monsters, this card can attack your opponent directly.So as long as you control "Toon World", a Toon monster can attack your opponent directly even if they control monsters.However, the older Toon monsters and "Manga Ryu-Ran" state:This card can only be Special Summoned while you control "Toon World". ...When "Toon World" is destroyed, destroy this card. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon Monster, this card can attack your opponent directly. If your opponent controls a face-up Toon Monster, you must select it as an attack target.Unlike the newer Toon monsters, these monsters can attack directly even if "Toon World" is not on the field. This is because if "Toon World" is removed from the field other than by being destroyed (returned to your hand, returned to your deck, etc.), your Toon monsters will not be destroyed as well. And since there is no requirement for "Toon World" to be activate so they can direct attack, they can do just that.

Does Blues-Eyes Toon Dragon suck?

No, "Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon" (BETD) does not suck. In fact, this 3000 ATK monster can be Special Summomed by tributing tokens that are easy to summon and can attack your opponent directly. However, it does require "Toon World" to exist, it cannot attack the turn it was summoned, and sometimes it's difficult to get the two monsters to tribute.

How can Toon World leave your field without your Toon monsters being destroyed in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Toon monsters will destroy themselves if Toon World is destroyed too. Because Toon World must be destroyed, if it leaves the field in any other way, ie, returned to hand through Giant Trunade, then the toons will remain on the field.

What monsters can be Tributed by themselves to Tribute Summon monsters above level 6?

By their Effects, you can Tribute the following monsters by themselves to Tribute Summon monsters above Lv.6 of the corresponding Attributes:Flame Ruler - FIRETrojan Horse - EARTHWhirlwind Prodigy - WINDFor examples, you can Tribute 1 Flame Ruler to Tribute Summon Firestorm Prominence (a FIRE monster, Lv.7), and you can Tribute 1 Trojan Horse to Tribute Summon Raging Earth (an EARTH monster, Lv.7).

Can you tribute face down monsters?

Yes, you can.

Can you tribute summon a monster face down?

Yes, monsters may be 'tribute set'.

How many monsters do you need to tribute a level 4 monster?

You don't need to sacrifice (tribute) any monsters to summon a level 4 monster. Level five monsters require one sacrifice.

Do you need to tribute monsters to summon a monster with 2000 atk?

It depends on the level. If it is 4 stars or under, then no. If it is 5-6 stars, then you need to tribute 1 monster. If it is 7-12 stars, you need to tribute 2 monsters. Many high level monsters cannot be tribute summoned though and will have their own summoning text.

Can you tribute your opponent's monsters for 'The Regulation of Tribe'?

Unless stated otherwise, tributes must be from amongst monsters you control. So you tribute the opponent's monsters for Lava Golem because he says so, but you could not for The Regulation of Tribe.